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Results for 'Trazodone Sleep Sleep Aids Major Depressive Disorder'

I was just given Trazodone for sleep... she jusr started 100g. I was told to take it 1 hour before..

... bedtime... usually 9-10pm. Has it helped you sleep? I know it is also an antidepressant, which is good. I have MDD - major... read more

What sleep aids may I take while on letrozole?

Is it ok to take Simply Sleep? Or Unisom?

Will my morning sickness from trazodone ever go away?

I started off taking 100 mg of trazodone for a sleep aid a week ago but was anxious, dizzy, extremely tired the next day and... read more

What are everyone's experiences taking Seroquel for sleep?

Just wondering of any side effects users have experienced when taking Seroquel as a sleep aid. When you wake up in the morning do you... read more

Trazodone & night seziures?

I have epilepsy & take trazodone for sleep/insomnia. Can it cause night seziures when falling asleep or while asleep?... read more

Mirtazapine - 15 mg vs 30 mg, for sleep issues. Which one works better?

Ok so I would like to mention that I have been taking this drug for 2 weeks now, but no improvment on my sleep, I started to feel... read more

I need an over the counter sleep mediation that can replace Trazodone HCI 50 mg for sleep. Please?

... can anyone help me. I have a problem with sleep. But I think I may need to switch. I have been on it for a long time. It does work... read more

Trazodone - I took trazadone for 15 years for sleep. It's been 6 months of slowly coming off it. My?

... insomnia is getting worse. How long will it take to develop a regular sleep pattern again. The trazadone made my nightmares... read more

Can hydroxyzine hcl be used as a sleep aid?

My doctor said that this is used to treat itching and anxiety. My rosacea got out of hand, caused me terrible itching. My doctor prescribed... read more

Why does Wellbutrin XL make me tired? I went from never being able to sleep, to not keeping my...

... eyes open past 10. I have always had agitated depression for as long as I can remember. The agitated part was something the therapist told me.... read more

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