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Results for 'Ritalin Depression Anxiety Osteoarthritis Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Major Depressive Disorder Interaction Medication Tablet'

Please advise on medication mix and interactions?

Duloxetine 90mgs daily. Ritalin SR 60mgs daily, clonazepam 3mgs daily and Norgesic 35mgs 2 tablets 3 times a day I'm worried !!!

Ritalin LA vs. Concerta (ER)?

After several attempts to find which ADHA medication that worked for my child, Ritalin LA 20 mg. did the trick (all the non-extended... read more

Propranolol and Ritalin for ADHD - is safe to mix the two?

I am 27 years old and suffering from severe social anxiety disorder for the last 4 years.I take 40mg propranolol (inderal) daily... read more

When and how should I take my Lexapro and Ritalin? And do certain side effects subside?

So I am prescribed 20mg Lexapro for anxiety and clonazepam 1-2mg as needed (don’t use it that often just in case of panic attacks and my... read more

Can you take Concerta (36mg) and Zoloft (25mg) together?

I stopped taking Concerta after 3 years as I was feeling anxious and sad with the medication. Was off meds and taking Ritalin only when... read more

Ritalin vs Adderall: What is the difference?

Both medications are for ADHD but which one is better?

What can I get if they discontinued Ritalin?

I need add medication and they no longer have Ritalin.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - What are the alternatives, if any, for someone?

... with extreme ADHD who has now been cut down from 60 mg a day of ADDERALL to 40 mg a day and is now having to deal with ADHD... read more

Where in Pakistan I get Ritalin (methylphenidate)?

ADHD treatment. I need methylphenidate.

ADHD and PTSD and anxiety?

Is it safe to use these 3 medications together? Vyvanse 70mg Intuniv 4mg Wellbutrin 300mg

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