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Results for 'Pain Pain Medication Pain Pill'

What is VX-548?

There has to be a better solution for people like myself suffering in pain needing pain medications?

I've been pretty healthy person throughout my life I'm 40 years of age but around 3 weeks ago I started having severe... read more

What type of pain medication can you take for joint and muscle pain from taking Xarelto?

While on Xarelto my husband experienced severe joint and muscle pain. His doctor switched him to Eliquis. His doctor has never... read more

Can you Double up on Pain Killers?

Why would my pain medication that Im currently on not help my teeth pain?

hello everyone im on fentynal 50mcg and norco for break thru 6 a day if needed.Most days i get by great with what im on until this horrible tooth... read more

Can I take my pain medication 30 minutes early occasionally?

I am prescribed 15 mg oxycodone every 6 hours for chronic pain. I took my morning dose at 5:15AM and will be due again at... read more

Eliquis - Which over-the-counter pain medication is safe to take for arthritis pain and/or headaches

... while on Eliquis. I've been using this drug for a-fib for 11 days.

Why isn't my pain medication working as well anymore?

I have been taking Percocet 10/325 for a little over 7yrs due to a back injury. I have had previous surgeries on my back. I have nerve damage in both... read more

If I have a medication for pain and it says 1-2 tablets every 6 hours, as needed for pain?

Does that mean if I take one and then need one 2-3 hours later, can I take another? That would mean I was taking one every 3 hrs

Is there any relation between how a person's body metabolizes anesthesia and pain medication?

Specifically I am looking for an answer as to why my prescribed pain medications (hydrocodone) only last 2-3 hours (prescribed 1... read more

What kind of pill has A5 Oblong and White. Scored once in the middle on the opposite of letters?

I can't find this anywhere. It only has A 5 on it. No other markings or letters.It's long and white like Tylenol but thicker. It does not... read more

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