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Results for 'Obesity Hot Flashes Fluoxetine Paroxetine Weight Tablet'

Fluoxetine - Weight gain or loss?

I have been taking Paroxetine for 2 months to relieve the hot flushes. The tablets have worked and my flushes are greatly reduced and... read more

What happens if I accidentally take sertraline with paroxetine?

I thought the sertraline was my cholesterol meds. I had been given the sertraline to try and get off the paroxetine.

Paroxetine - How long until Paxil takes effect?

I was on HRT to control hot flashes but my doctor took me off the hormones and put me on Paxil. I have been on the drug for 6 weeks and... read more

Paroxetine risks with heart or toward seizures or clots?

I want to start taking paroxetine for my panic disorder but it is it safe as I hear it can induce a LQT. Is this true or not?

Estradiol - quit cold turkey a few weeks ago, now have night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain etc?

My breasts are enormous and sore. I have also gained weight. Im sure this is normal but anyone who quit... can you tell me how long this may... read more

Paroxetine - does paroxetine cause weight gain?

Paroxetine - does it cause obesity?

I have been on Paxil for 25 years now and noticed weight gain immediately. Now I am over 50 pounds overweight. Has anyone else noticed this?

Gabapentin - Is this a steroid? I'm not sure why it makes people gain weight?

I was just prescribed gabapentin. I'm a bit leery about taking it. I am an active gym person. I'm experiencing hot flashes... read more

Can Wellbutrin cause or intensify hot flashes?

I've noticed several side effects with wellbutrin and am wondering if anyone else has experienced any of the following - hot... read more

Best drug for hot flashes?

I have been on sertraline for years and never get much relief. What would you recommend for drenching flashes and night sweats besides this... read more

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