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Results for 'Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus Aureus Mupirocin Skin and Structure Infection'

What can I buy over the counter to substitute for mupirocin 2% oint?

Couldn't afford mupirocin need to no what I can buy over counter jus as good?

What can I get a the drugstore to subsitute for mupirocin?

What is the name of the over the counter medicine. mupirocin?

Mupirocin Ointment?

My doctor prescribed this ointment for Impitego ... I had redness with lots of annoying itching around my mouth and cracked lips ( I thought I got... read more

Recurrent staph infection on face causing Folliculitis?

It began as impetigo and would return after Amoxcillin so Augmentin Duo 3 day course was taken and it went. In its place I have had very bad... read more

Can mupirocin be substituted for bacitracin for wound management?

Open wound treatment began with bacitracin ointment. Can mupirocin be used instead of bacitracin to continue treatment?

Can mupirocin cream be used for bed sores?

What topical medication is use for skin mrsa?

i needs to know if bacitracin or bactroban is the correct medication to use

Mupirocin ointment giving a tingling pain on a sebaceous cyst. Should we continue using it?

My husband has an inflamed sebaceous cyst and doctor prescribed mupirocin ointment to apply topically and an antibiotic to consume named... read more

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection - Are you using Garlic baths? If not, you?

... should be. Garlic beats MRSA everytime!

I am having continuous fungal skin infection in shape of soars particularly on my face and abdomen?

I consulted doctors who advised me to take different antibiotics like cephalexin (sporidex af375), lynx-500 and augmentin and also ayurvedic syrup... read more

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