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Results for 'Migraine Bipolar Disorder Pain Fibromyalgia Gabapentin'

Gabapentin - has anyone else had tooth decay problems from this medication?

the enamel on my teeth started to peel off after taking this med for a few years. My teeth seem to be decaying from the inside out.

Fibromyalgia, anyone taking Gabapentin (neurontin) have stomach pain?

My doc upped my dose and ever since then I've had stomach pain. YET, I took an Ibuprofen Tuesday night, and that stuff tears up my tummy!... read more

Is it normal to take 3,000mg of gabapentin? Or would another be better?

Is it normal to take 3,000mg of gabapentin? I take 1,000mg 3 times a day for occipital neuralgia, migraines, and cervical dystonia; as... read more

Is gabapentin addictive?

Those of you on gabapentin have you noticed tremors & tics in eyes, face or arms?

My doctor recently increased me from 1800mg to 2700mg due to my neuropathy getting worse from the fibromyalgia. Ive recently noticed some... read more

Does Gabapentin cause one to feel as though they're in a fog and really out of it?

I am prescribed Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia, and my GP felt it would also help with my severe anxiety disorder. I only take it... read more

Should gabapentin be taken with food?

Gabapentin - What is the proper or best medication to take for fibromyalgia pain?

Advancing fibromyalgia pain

Gabapentin - How bad is weight gain? Can diet help? How good for sleep and pain?

I have FMS and have been suffering from severe insomnia since Jan. 2011. I have become so ill and so limited in my ability to function that I must... read more

Fibromyalgia question, have any of you ever had one side of your body begin hurting much worse than?

the other side, suddenly? I don't quite know what is going on here, but one side of my body hurts much worse than the other. This has been going... read more

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