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Results for 'Macrodantin Urinary Tract Infection Side Effect Antibiotic Prescription Antibiotics'

My urologist has prescribed ciprofloxacin for UTI's three times in the last six months. Each time my

... side effects seem to get worse and last longer. I've balked at taking Cipro but a urine culture shows that it is the only... read more

Urinary Tract Infection - have chronic uti just drinking lots of water how long til it gets better?

have had a uti for the last two years multiple doses of antibiotics just taking flomax

Urinary Tract Infection - I have an antibiotic resistant UTI, anyone tried anything thats worked?

Other than antibiotics. I'm desperate. I have been on and off antibiotics since last November, and as soon as I stop taking them... read more

Can the antibiotic “Bactrim” be prescribed or used for STDs?

Recently was given Bactrim for a possible UTI but I also was possibly exposed to an STD before starting the medication. My symptoms were a dull pain... read more

I have been prescribed a new antibiotic whilst still taking one, when do I start it?

I was prescribed nitrofurantoin 100 mg to take every 12 hours for five days. I am on the fifth day and have one dose left but it is clear this... read more

Long-term antibiotics / advice on prevention of UTIs?

I'm interested in finding out if any of you take anticbitocs to prevent UTIs occuring, and if so if this a permanent thing, has it been... read more

What do I do if Monistat 3 doesn't work right away?

I had a UTI about a month ago and took antibiotics that were prescribed to me by my doctor. My symptoms for UTI had gone away but a few days... read more

Could the use of trazadone mimic a urinary tract infection or cause side effects?

that might lead you to believe that you have a U.T.I.

How safe is Xarelto take with Microbid (Nitrofurantoin) antibiotic? I've been in Xarelto only for?

... three days and today I was prescribed Microbid due to an UTI. Can somebody answer this?

Does a UTI always need to be treated with an antibiotic?

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