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Results for 'Lamictal Seroquel Bipolar Disorder Sleep'

How does Seroquel react with Lamictal and Wellbutrin?

Hello all! I am 22 years old and have Bipolar I. I am currently taking 200mg Lamictal and 300mg Wellbutrin. I had been also taking... read more

I've been on Seroquel 25-75mg for 3 months now. But I call people in my sleep??

I've been given a dosage of 25-75mg. I'm 23 and have been on Seroquel for just over 3 months now. I apparently called 2 friends... read more

Is it possible that seroquel can make you more edgy or intense?

I am on 50 mg, newly prescribed about a month ago. I did sleep deeply at first, even came down 1/3 of my Ativan dose. However... I am... read more

I cannot sleep well sometime on seroquel xr. What can I take along with seroquel xr to sleep?

I was taken off haloperidol and benztropine because of too many side effects I could not deal with. He put me on seroquel xr. 50mg. This... read more

What is the risk of developing diabetes from Seroquel?

I would like to know the percentage of people who have increased risk of developing diabetes related to taking Seroquel. I am being tested for... read more

Is there anything other than Seroquel that would help me to sleep?

I pretty much tried other stuff. But I have a very high tolerance to medication. Also some meds will affect me totally opposite than what they... read more

Are these Lamictal side effects - Sometimes I feel like I'm in a fog and walk around like a zombie?

Hey, I am diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder, depression and general anxiety. I've been taking seroquel and lamictal... read more

Bipolar Disorder - I accidentally took a double dose of medicine last night. Should I worry about?

... long term effects? Total was 800mg Seroquel, 400mg Lamictal, 200mg desipramine. I've been a zombie all day and have a metallic... read more

Can seroquel cause headaches upon awakening and extreme anxiety morning?

Taking serequel for sleep waking up with headaches and extreme anxiety?_

Has anyone experienced insomnia while taking Seroquel?

While on Seroquel (for several month), I began experiencing severe insomnia, sometimes getting 1 or 2 hours of sleep a night... and... read more

How long until I stop feeling dizziness from taking Seroquel?

I have recently been diagnosed with bipolar and depression mixed with insomnia. I sleep around 12 hours a week if i am lucky. They... read more

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