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Results for 'Gabapentin Side Effect Sleep Peripheral Neuropathy'

Gabapentin side effect sleep?

Ever since I've been taking Gabapentin for approx a yr 300 mg 3 times daily I notice I talk so clear and vividly in my sleep.... read more

Peripheral Neuropathy - Has anyone tried "Neuropathy Support Formula" sold by the Neuropathy?

... Treatment Group"? I have painful peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy and have been using Gabapentin and Lyrica for... read more

Taking 3200 mg gabapentin per day?

Am looking to compare notes (side effects & other stuff)with persons with similar prescriptions.

Is anyone having weird side effects from gabapentin? Will this go away?

I'm whipped into a frenzy and feel as if I may spin off into orbit at any moment. I also am experiencing cognitive problems, my memory is so bad... read more

Peripheral Neuropathy - If gabapentin or pregabalin don't work, what can I do?

My neuropathy in my feet is severe. What can I do to ease my pain?

Rosuvastatin and Gabapentin side effects?

I have been on Gabapentin 400mg caop 3x a day for peripheral neuropathy of my legs. I have been on this medication for years. I... read more

Neurontin/gabapentin - have any of you adjusted to the side effects? It's working, though!!?

Hi gang! My neuropathy has been Hair-On-Fire painful since the end of 2009, maybe earlier, to the point where Cemeteries looked comfortable,... read more

Dizziness, weakness due to gabapentin?

I have been taking 2700 mg of gabapentin for three years for widespread neuropathy due to SFN. I am noticing that I have started to... read more

Gabapentin and legs?

I would like to know if taking gabapentin will help with the creepy crawling feeling I get in my feet and legs and so far I have no pain and... read more

Peripheral Neuropathy - I have hair loss from taking Neurontin. Does it slow down and are there any?

... other treatments for hair loss? I have been taking about 600 mg of Gabbapentin since August of this year (about 3 months). I have significant... read more

Will a TENS machine help with numbness and tingling of peripheral neuropathy?

I have chemo induced neuropathy. Use essential oils as topical treatment, take B Vitamins and prescription Gabapentin. Any suggestions... read more

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