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Results for 'Effexor Hot Flashes Medicine'

Is it possible to experience withdrawal symptoms in between doses of Effexor XR?

I take 75mg of Effexor XR every day in the morning. Towards the afternoon/evening I tend to experience hot flashes, dizziness,... read more

Does effexor cause your sex drive to slow down, or to lose completely?

i went from wanting sex all the time to not at all when taking zolof for hot flashes and menapause, so i was changed to effexor... read more

Lisinopril - has anyone experienced hot flashes from this medicine?

I am 55 and stoped hot flashes a few years ago. This is crazy, for the ladies out there has this happened to you. I am on Lisinopril... read more

Has anyone else been on venlafaxine/Effexor for 23 years? I have been concerned about long term use?

It worked well for my depression in the past. I took 75mg of Effexor XR with no need of increase for years. Was increased to 150 mg a number... read more

Can Wellbutrin cause or intensify hot flashes?

I've noticed several side effects with wellbutrin and am wondering if anyone else has experienced any of the following - hot... read more

Best drug for hot flashes?

I have been on sertraline for years and never get much relief. What would you recommend for drenching flashes and night sweats besides this... read more

After taking Plan B, are hot flashes normal?

Hot Flashes - Has anyone else tried Zyrtec or Claritin to decrease their number of flashes?

Mine have decreased from 7-12 episodes in 24 hrs to 1-3 in 24 hrs. PLUS the ones I have are of shorter duration & less intense. I've been... read more

Could effexor xr cause me to have extreme hunger and to gain weight?

I know the side affects say weight loss and loss of appetite. But it seems to be working opposite for me. I can't seem to stop eating. I am... read more

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