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Results for 'Clonazepam Side Effect'

Clonazepam - I'm running out of clonazepam and my Dr. won't give me a few to tie me over for 14 days

... until I get next refill on the 8th. I'm now older at 71 and my PCP put me on lorazepam for sleeping problems and anxiety when I was 61. I... read more

How long does it take for Clonazepam to completey work or for side effects to go away?

This is my third day on clonazepam I've ben taking half of 1mg Clonazepam I can only take it and hour before bed time. Side... read more

What are the side effects of clonazepam?

It seems having serious side effects

Hello, I have been taking 1mg each night of Clonazepam for a year now and have noticed some strange?

... side effects since starting it. Anytime I get under 5 hours of sleep by choice or not, I experience many side effects the next day.... read more

Clonazepam - Are their any side affects ?

I just got prescribed 0.5 pf clonazepam and i dont do Well taking new medication.. Im 22 yrs old and have bad anxiety .. Any tips?

I’m taking 0.5 mg clonazepam twice daily.

I would like to safely taper with minimum side effects. I have been reading different posts on this site and find it very informative. I tried... read more

Clonazepam - does the sleepiness go away after a while?

Only been on Clonazepam a few weeks, i am so sleepy all day, does this go away or is a side effect that I will always have?

Clonazepam 500mg?

I have taken 10 today to help me shut off emotions and feelings , plus it helps me sleep better . is this OK If I am not getting any side... read more

I have a concern about Klonopin (clonazepam). Please help!?

I'm 23 years old and have a concern about a medication I'm taking. First of all, I suffer from a severe and debilitating pain condition... read more

I took half of a .5 clonazepam, If I don't feel a difference can I take the other half?

I was prescribed buspirone 7.5mg and tried a couple times and won't y again! Made me feel worse! I have anxiety from worrying about taking the... read more

Long term use of clonazepam?

I have been using clonazepam for over 20 years now. Is there any significant side effects and is it safe to use the rest of my life.... read more

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