I have a concern about Klonopin (clonazepam). Please help!?
Question posted by GreekGuy on 9 June 2018
Last updated on 18 November 2021
I'm 23 years old and have a concern about a medication I'm taking. First of all, I suffer from a severe and debilitating pain condition from an injury I had several years ago while weight lifting. It caused nerve and muscle damage which resulted in chronic pelvic pain. Anyway, my doctor put me on Xanax 1 mg three times a day for my severe muscle spasms as well as anxiety that I get from my pain. I was on it for about three years. It didn't last long enough so I switched to Klonopin 1 mg three times a day. The first month of being on Klonopin I was completely fine and doing better. It helped my spasms, it took away my pain, and helped my anxiety tremendously. It made me feel MUCH more stabilized and normal to where I could function. It caused no side effects either; not physical or mental. However, it's month two being on Klonopin now and for some reason it's causing me to be irritable, aggressive, and short with other people. My family has noticed this and they're telling me how I'm being very difficult to be around.
Do you know why I was totally fine on the Klonopin the first month and IRRITABLE on it the second month? I find this to be very odd. I'm on the same dosage and same generic too. I haven't taken any other new medications or supplements either. Should I take less? Will this side effect go away over time? Is it because my body is in the process of getting used to it?
I'm very baffled as to why this is. I'd appreciate any information and advice on this! Thank you so much, Jay
I have been on this medication 3 x in my life, and come now almost off it for the last time. First time through, I took it 8 years + (too long), and had no negative effects. I went off it slow and was fine. Second time was on it 30 days, went off it slowly, no problem. Third time, on it 1 year, had break through anxiety as I got dependent (not the first two times!), and have had to go off it very very slowly. I never increased my dose, or took large doses, still I became dependent. I promise myself, I will never use this med again. I took it only for anxiety and later panic. It is not a pain med. It worked for sure, the panic attacks stopped. But, ya, not so into this dependency problem. Anyway, as far as irritability etc, this could be a sign of dependency and your system wanting larger doses. Its an anxiety med, so you should not feel irritated (anxious), but dependency feels like withdrawal, and so irritability can be part of that.
Check with the doctor, and think twice before taking increased doses just to alleviate that symptom. No judgement here, but 1 mg 3x a a day is kind of a big dose. I was only on . 5 once a day. Eventually, you will probably choose to come off this med, and it takes time. Chronic pain is so hard to put up with. Good luck!
Votes: +0
25 March 2019
Thanks, but that’s NOT the case with me at all (as far as dependency). I just wanted to update and say these side effects went away and I’m still on Klonopin with no problems
19 Nov 2021
Klonopin is a godsend and most definitely helps with pain. I'm wondering if your irritability was from a different generic brand maker? I had to stop using Generic and switch to brand name Klonopin. The generics kept changing and I didn't like how they differed from one to the next. A few of the generics were terrible. I know this is an old post, but I felt the need to comment as some of the remarks on here were rude in my opinion. Hope you are doing ok.
30 June 2018
I’ve taken clonazepam most of my adult life without side effects. I take it for ptsd,agoraphobia, insomnia, and manic episodes. For most people benzodiazepines cause a “hangover” until you take your next dose. It really isn’t a pain control med at all. I would recommend cyclobenzaprene (Flexeril). Especially for muscle spasms. Again,I’ve never heard of it being prescribed for ANY pain issues. It’s listed as anti anxiety/anti psychotic. Talk to your dr.
Votes: +0
11 June 2018
I would suggest talking to your doctor about tapering off. I have been on it for 8 years now and I wish I have never started... don't get me wrong it works, but sometimes it makes me feel like my life is just on autopilot .
Votes: +0
10 June 2018
You’re right in thinking Klonopin may cause irritability and feelings of aggression. Those are side effects some people experience. Since it’s noticeable to others, you’re probably not very happy. There’s always a chance it could be something else but from what you described, it's the most obvious villain. May be a good idea to look at another medication, have a talk with your Doctor, and see if you can switch to something that helps your symptoms but allows you to be your more ‘pleasant feeling’ self. I hope you feel better and just know it’s something you can fix.