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Results for 'Boniva Osteoporosis Hiatal Hernia'

Hiatal hernia causing shortness of breath?

I’m new to this website so haven’t read much of the questions but just wondering if anyone? I have suffered with shortness of breath and... read more

Are there alternative drugs for a GI Cocktail for hiatal hernia?

My doctor use to prescribe Donnatal and Xylocaine for me to mix with Maalox and use when my hiatal hernia flared up. I can't seem... read more

Terrible acid and reflux since changing from omeprazole to esomeprazole?

I changed on advice as I was worried about my osteoporosis that is not improving, unbearable acid that will not go away , doctor advise to... read more

What medications are available to treat osteoporosis?

How does Prolia compare to Boniva? My mom is 83.

She has chronic illnesses CHF, pulmonary obstruction,RA, and now T11 vertebra fracture, Dr recently prescribed Prolia waiting on approval at this... read more

I have gerd, hiatal hernia, prescribed omeprazole, it causes burning pain in my chest, why?

I feel worse after I take it. Anyone else have this problem?

Has anyone ever used Elavil for esophageal spasms [severe] along with severe hiatal hernia and re?

Also have reflux from both the esophogus and hiatal hernia. Has been about 3 years and is continuing to get worse. Spasms cause my... read more

Diazepam - I will be taking my first 5mg dose of Diazapam tonight. I was wondering what to expect? I

... am also taking 40 mg Omeprazole per day to each acid reflux caused by a sliding Hiatal Hernia. I understand there is a moderate... read more

Is there an over the counter substitute for Omeprazole 40 mg?

Used foe hiatal hernia and acid reflex.

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