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Results for 'Antabuse Doctor Food'

What food/drink can I NOT eat while on antabuse?

I have just been prescribed antabuse by my doctor but have not yet started taking it as i am not exactly sure of what food/drink... read more

I was thinking I could sneak Antabuse into my husbands food on the days I expect him to be drinking?

What would happen? Is it too risky?

Antabuse /disulfiram 250mg & food/personal care products?

I started taking generic Antabuse about two weeks ago. I’ve had a kind of low grade queasiness on and off most of that time, and... read more

Antabuse is causing severe itching.. help?

Hi, I've been on Antabuse for 11 days. After two days I started itching like crazy. I'm now covered in cuts because it's... read more

Disulfiram - Anyone have issues taking sugar alcohol found in some foods while on antabuse?

I'm so happy I'm on antabuse. Sober for the first time in many years. I don't use any products with alcohol in them but I want... read more

My doctor gave me Latuda. He gave me samples and didn't tell me morning or evening or with/w/o food?

... I had a horrible reaction as I took it with my morning med's without food. I found about two hours later I was dizzy & extremely... read more

I have had heartburn for 2 days now have not had any spicy food in over a week but having trouble?

Trouble doing long breaths Sleeping at night Drinking anything even water won't help Tried all over the counter including baking soda with water... read more

I took 125 mg of Antabuse yesterday. Can I drink tomorrow without getting sick?

I've been on this therapy before and I know I sound like a jerk, but something came up and I want tomorrow to be my last day of drinking instead... read more

I've been taking 250 mg of Antabuse for 5 months. I haven't had a dose for 5 days. I would really?

... like to have a drink today but can wait. Is today too early? I'm 115 lbs, 5'5 and 25 years old. I've been on it before and drank... read more

I had one 200ml Antabuse at 6:00am yesterday. It's midday today and I'm drinking. Will I get sick?

Before you judge - I took Antabuse purely because my boyfriend is massively controlling and made me do it. Which obviously makes me want to... read more

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