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Results for 'Adderall Restoril Insomnia Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Sleep Disorders Sleep'

What time should I take ambien, aderall xr, and clonazapam to sleep?

Ambien 20mg, adderall 20mg XR, Clonazapam .5-1mg pnr I take ambien for insomnia (a high dose because my body has always needed a lot),... read more

Why does Adderall make my husband so tired?

He started taking for ADHD a few weeks ago, and while it's helping his focus and his anxiety and depression a great deal, he has very... read more

Adderall XR for ADD - feet and calves keep cramping, why?

Just started on Adderall XR for my ADD (20mgs per day) 2 days ago, the first night I went to sleep fine (not surprising seeing I... read more

How to sleep when taking Adderall? I am experiencing insomnia side effects?

I have taken Adderall on and off my whole life. My doctor prescribed me 10mg of XR I normal take this for about a month and then will jump to... read more

Why do I get sleepy after taking Vyvanse or Adderall?

I am currently on Vyvanse 60 Mg Cap for Adult ADHD without hyperactivity. I have been on Adderall in the past. My other... read more

How do you deal with insomnia when taking Strattera?

I am a young senior with ADHD. My doctor recently started me on Strattera, which I take in the morning, and right away I started having... read more

Does anyone have breathing problems from Vyvanse?

I just started Vyvanse after years of Adderall, Only 1 week on Vynase 40 mg and I have a need to breathe deeper to catch my breath. First I... read more

My son is on vyvance and can not sleep!?

He started taking it in october and he is on 20mg. About 6 days ago he started having major problems sleeping!! Has anyone else had this problem that... read more

Anyone familiar with giving 6yr old Clonidine to sleep?

My 6 yr old with severe ADHD is on Concerta. He takes it at like 8am. He cant fall asleep till like 11pm-1am. We were using Melatonin which... read more

I am on Vyvanse for my ADHD and I've been having trouble sleeping. How can I get more sleep?

I am a 15 year old girl and I've been taking Vyanse since I was about 8. School just got out and my mom wanted me to gradually get off my... read more

First day on Effexor and I cant sleep?

I am uni student who has mild ADD with social anxiety and sleep disorder. I've taken many ADD medications until I finally... read more

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