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Results for 'Abilify Cogentin Zyprexa Bipolar Disorder Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Postpartum Depression'

Will abilify make me feel as good as adderall does?

For the past five years I have been on adderall and lexapro, however, I have only taken my adderalll because I can't stand the side effects that... read more

Bipolar disorder and ADD/ADHD.

I have bipolar depression and ADD (not ADHD) I’m on 50mg Mydayis, 150mg bupropion 10mg Ambien for insomnia, bupropion... read more

Whats the strongest and best medication for ADHD and Bipolar?

Whats the strongest and best medication for ADHD and Bipolar? If it is really bad. On high dosage of Concerta, Methylphenidate,... read more

What's best for me please help me figure this out?

What's best for me I go for anger to happy to cry to feel lost so quick I have adhd bipolar PTSD panic attack depression

Armodafinil - bipolar & armodafonil effects?

Has anyone taken this for bipolar depression but had issues sleeping ? I am having a rough time with depression and nothing is... read more

Abilify - can it be used for adhd?

my son is adhd he is 8. he takes 18mg concerrta and 4mg of intuniv . he was on ritilan 15mg but he had the opposite reaction today they put... read more

How does escitalopram effect people that have a history of childhood ADHD?

I was wondering if this would actually make my anxiety worse that it already is, because of my history of ADHD. I know that in some cases... read more

What will happen if I continue to smoke while taking Zupion SR - bupropion?

i am taking this medicine for treatment of depression and anxiety disorder. I smoke 12-15 cigarretes a day. I heard that it is... read more

Oral mouth swab drug test results if taking these medications.

Can taking Ativan and sertraline together cause an oral mouth swab to register for any form of amphetamines. What will the results show on a drug... read more

Taking Wellbutrin for bipolar depression have uncontrollable anger. I am scared, is this normal?

Depression - I have Bipolar since 1994. I have been to the clinck 3 times since I was diagonised.I am now taking Wellbutrin XL300. I... read more

I used to felt in a much better mood when taken adderall and now I start feeling sick, any help?

Why would I all of a sudden feel sick, down, tired, short of breath, when taken adderall, since before it was all good, mood, ready to help, started... read more

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