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Results for 'Lyrica Anxiety Fibromyalgia'

Should I be taking Lyrica and Neurontin together?

My doctor has me on 600mg of Neurontin 3x a day AND 100mg of Lyrica 3x a day for fibromyalgia. I'm curious about the side effects.... read more

Does Lyrica have an anti-depressant effect?

I have both type-2 bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia. My bipolar control has been iffy the last year and a half. My MPH is reluctant to play... read more

What can I do to stop weight gain caused by Lyrica?

Lyrica works well for me. I suffer from chronic pain due to 6 ruptured 6... 4 in my neck and 2 huge ones in my lower bato from an auto... read more

Lyrica recommended dose for high pain?

My cousing diagnosed with fibro. and take this pill 150mg at evening 7 pm for 2 months but did not affected, not doctor raised to 225mg , I just read... read more

Are Gabapentin and Lyrica the same base drug?

Someone mentioned that in a Gabapentin thread and its got me wondering now.

How long does it take lyrica kicks in & how long should its affects last?

I've been taking 100 mg of lyrica for roughly 6 mos., at bedtime, and another 100 in the morning. After 1 hour I'm in pain till... read more

Lyrica - is there any way to avoid the weight gain?

My doctor has just put me on Lyrica. In fact, I haven't taken my first dose yet. My question is about the weight gain. Can you work to... read more

Have there been any problems with the use of Lyrica for FM or PHN and dental problems?

It seems that since I've been taking Lyrica it seems that my teeth have been "demineralizing" of sorts. Starting with enamel... read more

How to taper Lyrica correctly?

I'm on Lyrica, 75mg 3x a day. I'm tapering off 25mg at a time. Right now, I'm taking 75mg in the morning, 50mg early afternoon,... read more

How long does it take for Lyrica to work?

Lyrica or medical marijuana?

Dr.'s are not sure if I have Lupus, or fibromyalgia. Going to a rheumatologist mid Dec. The marijuana takes the edge off. I heard &... read more

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