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Results for 'Synthroid Cancer Thyroid'

How do I switch from synthroid to armour? I currently take 75 mg of synthroid once a day but am?

finding it is not working for me and I am even more tired than before. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Hives and synthroid, how long for synthroid to leave my system?

I had my thyroid meds upped in September and then changed to synthroid. I was taking levothyroxine. After that I broke out in hives ...... read more

Ozempic - Has anyone developed thyroid cancer taking this medication?

I really want to give semaglutide a chance. I can deal with nausea and vomiting. I am just trying to figure out how the drug works and how it could... read more

What is the success rate of Keytruda?

Armour Thyroid - How do I find a doc who will prescribe Armour?

I do not trust TSH tests and want to TRY Armour after complete thyroid removal 20 years ago. After thyroid removal, my surgeon put me... read more

Are headaches from Armour Thyroid?

Does Armour thyroid cause headaches? I had my thyroid removed 7 weeks ago due to a “kissing thyroid and a zillion... read more

When to take Armour Thyroid?

When is it best to take Armour Thyroid? I have heard varied answers describing in the morning, and at night. As well as on an empty stomach or... read more

Does Armour Thyroid cause weight gain or weight loss?

Armour Thyroid - Ringing in the ears?

Does anyone else get a buzzing or ringing in the ears from Hashimoto's or after using armor? I never had it before and it getting progressively... read more

Can Armour Thyroid make you tired?

Armour Thyroid vs. Synthroid - How do they compare?

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