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Results for 'Suboxone Ultram Pain Tramadol Medication Opiate Dependence'

Is there a test that can be done to see if you are allergic to Suboxone before taking the drug?

I have been on a methadone treatment program successfully for 5yrs.I have not used any opiates in that time outside of the prescribed... read more

How is Ultram (tramadol) only a narcotic-like drug if its an opioid?

I was on a pain contract before and my doctor said that I broke my contract by going to the E.R. so I'm no longer on the pain... read more

Can I get any stories about tramadol (Ultram) thank you?

I'm a 49 year old male, I have a 30 year experience in the Paramedicine and multiple degrees in Emergency medicine, and became addicted to... read more

Can suboxone cause seizures if you've had drug related seizures in the past?

My daughter would have a seizure sometimes two a day or two after drinking or taking ultram in large quanities, also illegal drugs. She wanted... read more

Opiate withdrawal, pounding heart and weak left arm?

Ok I am fuuhhhreeeaked out right now someone pleeeasse tell me I'm gonn be ok. I am on day 5 of my withdrawal from oxycodone, I have been using... read more

Is Suboxone an opiate / narcotic?

How long does Suboxone block opiates?

Do you think I am back to square one with my Subutex/Suboxone detox?

I went 17 days cold turkey off of 2mg per day of Subutex this past October, 2010. On day 17 I could no longer take the nausea and anxiety, etc. so I... read more

I feel like my life is ruined by taking suboxone for too long (2 years). My psychiatrist put me on?

it because he said that my opiate receptors are not working. It sounds ridiculous doesn't it? I found an addiction psychiatrist a couple... read more

Opiate Withdrawal - Was on percocets, found one 8 mg Suboxone & wondering about withdrawals? HELP!?

I was taking about 10 percocets a day and finally decided I have had enough of? being a prisoner to opiates. Saturday night I went all out and took... read more

Can an antidepressant still work if your taking suboxone or any other opiate?

I would think that since the opiate receptors are being filled with an opiate that an antidepressant couldn't work. My doctor gave... read more

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