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Results for 'Pain Pain Pill Pill Pain Management'

How often should you have an MRI done if you have bulging discs?

My neurologist wants to do another MRI on my back. He was surprised to learn that my pain management doctor has not... read more

Got dismissed from pain management but still have one refill left . do u think I am able to get it?

I got dismissed for low medicain in my system one yr.for soma and he upped me on that one and then this yr. I ran out of vicodon earlie and could not... read more

How do I find a pain management doctor who will prescribe opoids?

When other methods are unsuccessful. Other methods have been tried - corticosteroid injections and now they will attempt a nerve block. I just sent a... read more

Spinal Fusion - In July of 2016, I had a four level fusion from L2 to S1..Fast forward to April of?

... 2017, I am no longer in pain in my legs, but my back pain has increased 4x from where it was. I am... read more

Apotex Corp Fentanyl Transdermal Patches?

I was told by my pain management doctor that after getting the Mallinckrodt brand Fentanyl patches for about 3 years that... read more

Can I take Aleve for pain management after knee replacement surgery?

I have not been taking any hydrocodon for a full week.

Any recommendations for pain management and mental health management with sciatica?

Mainly in my right leg but also in my left occasionaly. I have tried physiotherapy, a number of medications (amatriptilyne, naproxen) , I had a... read more

If I am pulled over driving while taking tramadol, will I be considered driving under the influence?

I take 50mg of tramadol every 6 hours for pain management. I was told that it would be dwi I need to know if this is... read more

What kind of pill has A5 Oblong and White. Scored once in the middle on the opposite of letters?

I can't find this anywhere. It only has A 5 on it. No other markings or letters.It's long and white like Tylenol but thicker. It does not... read more

What to expect from a pain management doctor first visit?

I have 7 herniated disks and DDD

What is stronger and safer Oxycotine 10mg or Norco 10-325mg?

I was hit by a train 35 years ago and have had 28 surgeries I am in Horrible pain..I have been taking for about a year and 1/2 5... read more

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