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Results for 'Lithium Weight Bipolar Disorder Mania'

Can lithium cause symptoms like hypomania as a discontinuation side effect in someone w/o bipolar?

I don't have bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, but when i forget my meds for a day or longer i get symptoms like decreased... read more

Can a change in lithium dosage cause a late period?

I recently changed my dose of lithium (it went up) and since then, my period has not come. I'm approximately a week late and I'm... read more

Has anyone lost weight when they stopped lithium?

I gained 20 kg since starting lithium 3 years ago. I also take lamitrogine and Abilify. I hope to be able to go off my medicines in 6 months... read more

What are replacement drugs for Seroquel?

What are alternative drugs for quietapine/Seroquel? In the old days they prescribed lithium salt for bipolar disorder.... read more

Is weight gain a common side effect of lithium?

I've worked so hard to lose weight.; I fear that when I start taking the lithium I will gain it all back. I've been taking... read more

I accidentally took an extra levothyroxine pill last night?

I would like to know how long I wait until taking my usual dose of 88mcg and what to do about the blood test I will be getting in 4 more days. I am... read more

Does lithium reduce thyroxine production permanently? I am reducing lithium from 900mg (taken 35-40?

... years as no longer tolerated as well), and I wonder if the Synthroid dose has to be adjusted. I would like to distinguish possible hypomania from... read more

Medication I need better medication what do you guys suggest?

What’s the best medicine I’m takeing lithium depakote zyprexa what I wanna know is what’s the best medicine for... read more

Lamictal + Abilify?

I'm 46- dealt with depression my whole life and at 19 had a psychotic break/manic episode and then diagnosed BP 1. I refused to take the... read more

Lithium - I drink a gallon of water a day, will this intake dilute the effect of lithium?

I am going to ask my two psychiatrists that I work with about this, but I'm curious to see what you think. I walk briskly 4 miles in an hour... read more

Does Depakote cause weight gain? Taking 500 MG twice day. Trying to determine source?

Recently prescribed Depakote 500 twice day. Gained 10 lb in 6 months Trying to determine cause

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