I applied Hurricane to my gums. It works for only minutes at a time. I also took 6 Tylenols and an Ibuprofen. The pain will not go away. I have a broken tooth and the other one has cavity outgrowing the filling. Some please tell me what else to do.
How do I get rid of severe tooth pain?
Question posted by PepperM on 27 Feb 2015
Last updated on 28 February 2015
3 Answers
You need to see a dentist. The pain may go away for a bit but it will come back... and it could be 100X worse. Should you have/get an infection it can be very dangerous.
See a dentist.
unfortunately my dear friend I cannot afford to go to the dentist. I did find some antibiotics in the medicine cabinet I only have 4 day supply of it. all I'm doing right now for the pain is tylenol 4 an alternating with ibuprofen. maybe by the grace of God it will just stop hurting or fall out
unfortunately my dear friend I cannot afford to go to the dentist. I did find some antibiotics in the medicine cabinet I only have 4 day supply of it. all I'm doing right now for the pain is tylenol 4 an alternating with ibuprofen. maybe by the grace of God it will just stop hurting or fall out
Call a dentist. This is an emergency and they will have to take you. That much Tylenol is going to poison your liver, back off or you'll get very sick. Also, no matter what you take the pain will not "go away" only lessen. Try warm water and salt rinse often, it usually helps a lot.
will warm compresses help?
Yes, in fact you can alternate with cold, but only if the cold does't hurt. Both from the cheek side.
I'd bet on it being the one that has a filling causing the pain. Don't take so many tylenol, its hard on your liver. I know it really hurts but its just not going to helo it much anyway. Are you taking the 200 mg ibuprofen? If you're only taking one 200 mg tablets, you can take 2 of those at a time. You're going to need to see a dentist soon.
That what I told my husband. That it wasn't the broken tooth. I took the 800 mg ibuprofen. After taking all that ,plus a Tylenol 3, my pain went away. I will not take that much meds again. I really believe the ibuprofen helped the most. Thanks for your comment. I hope to see a dentist soon. It's just so expensive to have a tooth pulled.
Oh lord, I know. Its ridicules what they charge for things. They don't need to be fancy for us, like they seem to think, they need to be good docs who do a job right. I've been there with just what you have, several times. The filling is plugging the gas produced by the root so there is pressure. As soon as the dentist opens up the toothe you'll feel better.
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tylenol, pain, ibuprofen, toothache, tooth
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