Anyone have mild asthma that doesn’t require daily inhaler and take propranolol? I have mild asthma, mainly my asthma when triggered is coughing. I’m concerned about taking this med as the pamphlet said do not take if you have asthma, but my doctor prescribed it, 10 mg twice a day. I have only taken one dose so far. I have a generalized anxiety disorder with chronic debilitating anxiety/panic and she wants me to take something to calm my system down. My heart rate stays high. I think I’ve tried every med out there for anxiety and so far nothing I can take daily has helped and not caused issues. I just recently had to stop Buspar. I feel like this drug is my last hope to being able to live my life.
Propranolol and mild asthma.
Question posted by Lizzy36 on 24 Jan 2021
Last updated on 26 January 2021
That’s an a great question. I am currently taking Buspar and 10mg of propranolol twice a day. It’s been a great combo. I was initially worried about the “may cause shortness of breath” possible side effect as well because when my anxiety gets higher I have a tendency to have breathing issues. The good news is on our low dose, I have never had it affect my breathing. Talking with my doctor she said it’s more of an issue on the required dosage for HBP (80-120mg a day). Taking 20mg a day, I’ve only experienced relief and release of all body tension from taking propranolol. We are all different, but I hope this helps ease your mind a bit. Good luck to you!
Thanks for the info! Hopefully I won’t have any issues... Taking new meds is anxiety producing, seeing side effects is anxiety producing , but need a med to help, it’s like a double edged sword. Do you have asthma and have been okay at this dose without any issues?
I do have mild asthma, which is rally only bad in the spring. I’ve never had any breathing problems from propranolol. I will share with you what my doctor told me, “take google reviews and other peoples experiences with a grain of salt, everyone is different.” If I believed everything I read, I’d be terrified to try anything. It’s even harder trying new medications suffering from anxiety because sometimes anxiety produces the same symptoms the medications might have, and it’s hard to tell which is which. If you’re still worried about it, let a loved one (or someone you trust) know you’re trying a new medication and you’re nervous about how you’ll react to it. Just having someone who knows will really help ease your mind.
I agree. I try not to read too much on the side effects for that reason , but I’m super sensitive to meds and tend to have side effects, takes me a bit to get used to meds. I’ve noticed I’ve had a headache and dry mouth after taking this med, but can’t find if that’s normal, just hoping I’ll do ok with this bed bc my anxiety is really out of control and nothing else has worked long term
Related topics
Further information
- Propranolol uses and safety info
- Propranolol prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Propranolol (detailed)
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