would it hurt me to take this medication that I got in fall of 2010 to treat vertigo that I have experienced the past few days? Medication has been kept in dark and dry place and seems ok. Just want to know if it would hurt me to take.
I have a prescription for Meclizine 12.5mg that I took in fall of 2010. Vertigo is back?
Question posted by allenw on 23 Oct 2013
Last updated on 25 October 2013
Allenw the chances are it is still good..no harm with this one other than it might not work here in Oregon you can buy meclizine over the counter at any drug store hope this helps you out Chuck WISE retired Pharmacy Tech. Cpht (licenced pharmacy techniecan) in Oregon. meclizine is sold under many names ask at the counter the only one i think of now is bonine for motion sickness check with doctor if it last over 3 or 5 days. Chuck.
Hello Allen... personally, I wouldn't take without consulting with a doctor again. The reason being... other conditions have symptoms similar to vertigo. When was the last time you had a full physical?
You are 2 years passed that date. They give you a one year expiration on the bottle which would put you in 2011 but we are in 2013 now. Seeing a doctor and getting checked out again will let you know why this is happening or if anything has changed. Are you affected by seasonal changes?
My husband has dealt with vertigo and has adjusted his diet eliminating most grains except steel cut oats for oatmeal, chocolate, sugar, honey, most fruits. He got a hold of a book called, "Know The Cause" which is also a program on our local TV network, channel 14 in Connecticut.
Perhaps getting to the root cause of your problem and eliminating things that set it off could help, too.
I wish you well, be safe for the rest and the best of your life...
wow. thanks Mary for the information. I feel it may be a change in weather and have contacted my doctor(VA) for advice.
Thanks again for your concern. people really do still care out there.
Related topics
vertigo, meclizine, prescription, medication
Further information
- Meclizine uses and safety info
- Meclizine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Meclizine (detailed)
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