Does anyone know what dose (7.5, 15 or 30 mg) produces more carbohydrate cravings and consequent weight gain?
That scares me. I couldn't find that information on the internet. Please help.
I have been prescribed mirtazapine 15mg. I am really worried about huge weight gain. Help!?
Question posted by rstoltzm on 28 Jan 2021
Last updated on 4 September 2023
5 Answers
Hi I’m on 15mg of mirtazapine it does the help with sleep very well but so far no appetite as usual which I was hoping this would sort out and no better in helping my mood which is linked to the poor appetite (vicious circle)so don’t think it’s a gimme putting on weight
Hi, MIRTAZAPINE will potentially give you the munchies right off the bat. I am on 15 mg staring dose and it made me eat every few hrs for the first few days.
I did gain a bit of weight after a few weeks.but I also noticed it gave me pheripheral edema too. That’s just water weight gain . And can be controlled with lasix(water pills) if you take them carefully, so as not go end up with muscle cramping if your not careful . From becoming too dried out from the water pills. Talk to your doctor about the weight gain as it’s a common side effect . The MIRTAZAPINE does work well for anxiety though and it works fast . A fair trade off fir a little weight gain I suppose…. And it keeps your personality in line too as appose to an SSRI that typically give you bouts of hypomania/mania . If your not careful .
Hope this helps you out?:)
I can’t add anything more than the excellent responses already given to you.
I was using it for insomnia and I did gain weight.
I was so sleep deprived nothing else mattered. Obviously, it didn’t work for me.
It wouldn’t have happened if I weighed myself daily! Be aware of everything you put in your mouth!
You will do well!
Best wishes,
Hi, rstoltzm!
Only about 10% of users will experience any weight gain and it's dose dependent. But everyone responds to these medications differently so it's impossible to determine what dosage might cause you to gain weight... if you gain any at all. Even if you do the average weight gain is 2kg or 4.5 pounds. In comparison to other classes of antidepressant/anxiolytics the atypical mirtazapine is relatively weight neutral.
I wouldn't be overly concerned.
"Weight gain is one of the most commonly reported side effects of mirtazapine and is reported in 12% of patients in clinical trials. Around 8% of people who were taking mirtazapine stopped taking it because of weight gain."
"WHEN patients gain weight while taking mirtazapine, weight gain is on average greater than or equal to 7% of overall body weight. So for someone who weighs 150 pounds, the average weight gain would be around 10 pounds."
Even 10 pounds doesn't seem like too much when your mental and physical health and well-being are at stake.
15 mg and below induce more sleep, etc. Higher doses 30 and up are more energizing. All this said,
I've been on 15 mg mirtazapine for years and never gained more than maybe 3-4 lbs. It does increase appetite, but it does not alter your metabolism in ways that make weight gain difficult if not impossible to control (like the antipsychotics do). So, don't fret over mirtazapine and take the dose your Dr. recommends.
Related topics
depression, weight loss (obesity/overweight), mirtazapine, weight, dosage, prescription
Further information
- Mirtazapine uses and safety info
- Mirtazapine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Mirtazapine (detailed)
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