Before leaving university to go home I took some unprescribed ritalin to help with a load of studies on the last day (very dumb idea that I will definitely not have again; I am absolutely aware of how stupid it was). Since I got home, about 4 days after taking the ritalin, I have a very bad cold and started to take Ibuprofen 600mg 3 times a day and some cough sirup. About 2 days later I started to get really awful panic attacks and have had persistent anxiety since then. I have a history of anxiety disorders including eating disorders and depression. This began since I got home and has not stopped since. I was given some medications front he doctor however he does not know my background story and I feel uncomfortable taking the meds as I fear I will become dependent on them and I know that there should be some other way. I will begin therapy in a few weeks however I was hoping to get some advice now. The anxiety has been going on for a few weeks now with several panic attacks in between. I have stopped taking ibuprofen as I read that it can cause anxiety. If it is a side effect of it, how long does this last? Could it possibly be caused by the ritalin? Do panic attacks and anxiety ever stop happening?
Thank you so much. I am feeling quite in despair about this...
P.S. possibly the most terrifying is the heart racing, heart pinching, heart palpitations... then again my heart is supposedly fine as the doctor said...