i like others my medicine dosnt last near as long as it use to for the past 2yrs i always run short. so last wk failed drug test. my dr wrote last script and dismissed me. he has sent 2 referrals out they saw where i failed drug test and said they couldnt see me. Iam in a panic to find a dr IDO NOT abuse my meds. what do i do?
Please help been pain patient for13y same dr. failed drug test?
Question posted by suzanneruffin on 9 Aug 2013
Last updated on 25 January 2017
If you are running out early, you are misusing your meds. If the pain meds are not lasting long enough, you should discuss it with your Dr rather than taking more medication or more often than prescribed on your own. If you take it more often or take more than prescribed (escalating your dose on your own), then that does constitute abuse, and in this day and age you HAVE to stick to your prescribed dose. You might try an addictions specialist that deals with pain. Not that I am saying you are addicted!!! Dont get upset as I am judging no one but it does sound like you have lost control of your ability to stick to your prescribed dose so this may be the only Dr who will work with you at this time. All it may take is adjusting your dose to a level that manages your pain then you can show them that your pain was just out of control and not you! Remember, if you find a new doc, that you cannot escalate your dose without an okay from your Dr. Tolerance does happen and I feel your last doc was a little harsh for not recognizing that and at least tried a dose escalation to see if that helped. If you run out early, it makes you appear as someone who cant control their intake any longer and that loss of control can, sometimes be an indicator of addiction BUT if they try a dose escalation and that behavior goes away then it is just a matter of tolerance which is what I expect has happened to you. So my advice would be to find an addiction specialist so that you can get a chance to prove that you are NOT an addict and it was just that you pain was not controlled.
thank youDzoobaby as it stands now the dr is getting my medical records together 2 referrals have been sent out. one said they would not see me. the other wants medical records and said the dr will look at my records before he makes a decision I just dont want to run completely out.Iam so scared of withdrawals. if I do run out what do I do? no matter what I look like a drug person thats what other doctors are going to think.I wish I could go back and not of done this.as far as talking to dr about them not lasting I did a year ago he also knows about my family problems with my son I have the baby most of the time which is very very hard on my back! and right now its not a choice about the baby. will my dr let me get me really sick? i know you cant answer that for sure but what do you think? please get back with me as soon as you can.
He could. You dont say what medications you are on so I cant tell you how bad it will be without knowing what medications you take. If you take opioid medications, withdrawals can be nasty. You wont die from withdrawals but you can certainly feel like you are dying! Opioid withdrawals are not life threatening but if you take benzodiazepines (Xanax, lorazepam, valium) withdrawals from these medications are more dangerous because you can have sezures. Withdrawal from the pain medication Tramadol can cause seizures too. These can be much more dangerous. Opioid withdrawal can cause aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, gooseflesh, yawning, restlessness, insomnia, headaches, body wide pain and of course increased pain in the area you are taking the medication for (like back pain). The best thing you can do is to try to taper down with what you have. Depending on what you were taking and how often, you need to try to take less.
You can try googling "the Thomas Recipe" for medications that can help you get through withdrawals. If they get too bad to stand, you might try going to the ER but dont expect a whole lot of help and compassion there but if you start getting dehydrated and cant keep liquids down, you will have to. Hopefully, if you cut back as much as you can now, you wont have a problem and hopefully you can find a new Dr soon. Remember this next time you are tempted to take more than you are prescribed. You are "robbing Peter to pay Paul" when you do this so at some point you are going to suffer. Pain meds are not meant to make you "pain free" they should be just enough to make things tolerable so you can get by. I know it is hard when you have so many demands on you but it is even harder trying to do what you have to while withdrawing. If you tell me what you take and how you take it, I can tell you how to taper but you have to stick to the taper.
I assume that you failed your test because there was nothing in your system when there should have been, but since you ran out early, there was nothing? Were you seeing pain management Dr or was it your PCP who was writing? If it was your PCP then you have a good chance at being able toget you meds from Pain management. Some things that these Drs wont accept is running out of meds early on a consistent basis, having unprescribed (or illegal) drugs in your drug screen and not showing the prescribed drugs in your screening and getting pain pill prescriptions from any other Dr. These things violate your pain contract and will get you dismissed.
I added you as a friend so if you want to send me information in a private message, you can do so.
I think it is really harsh of him to dismiss you after 13 years!! This is the climate of pain politics now days!
Suzanneruffin, I am in the same boat. My dr did not even see me on my next appt. I have been struggling with my problem and agree with the other writer that said it may be tolerance problem. Where I live you have to have a referral to see any pain management dr. And upon review of your records make a decision. The way things have progressed from bad to worst with prescriptions for pain pills being sold and not used, I guess they are afraid of losing their license if they are not carefully. I don't know what to do so I turned here.There has to be some patients rights that we are not aware of.
if anyone of you know about that I sure would like to know , thanks for sharing and for responding
The done my friend the same way but the doctor had it fixed where she couldn't get anything from any doctors in South Carolina but lucky for her we live 15minutes from the GA state line so she used her friends GA address and switched her Medicaid from SC and now she gets her meds again so if you want them again first just try to go over to another county and if that don't work try a different state if its not to far from you
thank you Amy.do you mind why they released your friend? we have a lot of pain clinics here Iam praying that one of these dr will see me after they see my medical records. my dr is getting them together and i know that this will take time. I dont want to run out! did your friend tell the dr that she had a pain dr in the past. pain clinic want referrals or you cant gett app. please get back with me.
Someone called her doctor and told them that she was selling them which is not doing that they just got mad that she wouldn't give him one the guy is a dope head so now its is n her all records in SC she told them that she was n pain and still wouldn't give her anything even though her X-rays shows that she's n pain but she's ok now sense she went went to GA
Hey everyone this crap happened to me.Im from Sc my Dr.decided after 15 years to cut me.no reasons .nothing.i called to get my refill to be told I was cut.Ths crap happened the day before my refill.I wrote the Dr and took it to the office.I told hi you have given me Dix r 30 per day 200 a month.My body depending on them.i am a single mom.ive did nothing to warrant being cut.i need my meds and I will not suffer.Well my prescription was ready as well I called Dix months and picked up my script.you say abandoned.They give you this and without no life.Gid knows this is evil and cruel.Good luck all.
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