My dog is old and needs a hair cut I have tried everything! Every groomer around refuses to touch her! I need to do something!
Will a nyquil kill a dog?!?
Question posted by morganKrobbins on 11 March 2012
Last updated on 14 March 2012 by rockgal81
4 Answers
Oooh..I definitely wouldn't give your dog nyquil. There are too many different meds in it, so I'm not sure that would be safe. I'd talk to the vet and see if Benadryl would be ok. My dog has severe noise anxiety and her vet actually prescribed xanax for her. It works really well to calm her down, but not knock her out. Definitely talk to the vet before you give your dog anything.
The age matter a lot.If the dog is quite old i.e. 14 years then no tranquilizers should be given. I don't have any rigid reason but one of my close friend lost his dog so wanted to bring up the reason.
Hello morganKrobbins. You might ask your vet to give your dog Acepromazine Maleate. ACE for short. (they come in pills and tablets). And are used to sedate tranquiliz a dog. We use it on one of ours, same reason, to be taken when she goes to the groomer. Given a half hour before her appoinment and shes quiet, sedated. It takes her most of the day to have the effects of ACE to disappear. ACE is available only through a perscription from your vet. Regards,pledge
You need to call your Vet, a call for guidance, as you say you do not want to kill your faithful companion, medicadtions for humans are given in different doses, and also side effects affect us differently, it would not be the same with a dog.
All the best,
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