... doesn't bother me, but it bothers him due to his penis rubbing against it. He has such a bad reaction to it and it even gave him a rash. My question is this: how long can the ring be out for before I put it back in? Can I put the same ring back in if it's been out all night or do I need to put in a new one? Also I am not worried about getting pregnant because he's had a vasectomy, the reason I'm on it is due to the very heavy, painful and irregular periods I was having. With this in mind what are my options? Last month I actually had the ring out all night and reinserted the same one the next morning. What I noticed was that although I was nearing the end of the 3 week cycle this caused my period and symptoms to come early. I actually started spotting before it was time to take the ring officially out. Was this due to the ring being out all night? Or was this a crazy coincidence? If it is due to the ring being out all night do I use a brand new one the next day? Reinsert the one that was in? Or just let myself have a period?
NuvaRing - I need to take out my NR whenever I have sex due to the fact that it bothers my bf. It?
Question posted by Starcatcher on 4 Dec 2016
Last updated on 4 December 2016 by Stephen Treloar
Removing the ring for intercourse is addressed in the product insert. It is okay to have it out for up to three hours after which time the surface of the ring dries out too much or is denatured by exposure to air and/or the delivery system is either damaged or destroyed completely. At this stage you may as well have your period and just start over. Please use some type of barrier protection until you are safe again (seven days after the insertion of the next ring).
Take care.
Related topics
nuvaring, birth control, skin rash, contraception, sex, reaction, penis
Further information
- NuvaRing uses and safety info
- NuvaRing prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of NuvaRing (detailed)
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