Neulasta - How high is too high? Extremely high white blood cell count?
Question posted by QueenKong on 18 Nov 2012
Last updated on 25 November 2012
My white blood cell count at last check was 73k+. That seems very high to me and I am having side effects like hives, ongoing diarrhea, temp, pain, shortness of breath, sickness that won't go away as if I have a cold. I've also had side pain which could be from the cough or the diarrhea I had all night. It's hard to know if the SE are from the shot or chemo. I've very worried.
I have had 4 rounds of AC and one of Abraxane 13 days days ago. I get a neulasta shot 2 days after chemo so last neulasta was 11 days ago. Blood work was done yesterday, Friday.
The elevated white count isn't causing any illness or symptoms, its the other way around. An elevated white count indicates infection. I'm really surprised the doc didn't say something to you. I would call the office and asked, but if you develop a high fever over the weekend, go to the er.
Votes: +0
19 Nov 2012
I've been running a fever off and on over the weekend of 100.1-100.7. I called Roswell yesterday and the doctor on call didn't seem to think anything was a big deal. It's what happens with chemo patients she said but I don't know. She mostly lectured me about taking Lomotil, the diarrhea medicine I was prescribed. I'd taken 8 pills the day before with zero relief and that was more than I was supposed to take in one day. I thought I might OD on it and was feeling dizzy so I started with Imodium and that finally helped some but that was hours of suffering later. I'm having trouble with shortness of breath. I can't do anything jut walking to the kitchen is killing me and before this I was walking 3.5-4 miles a day. I'm going to call the breast clinic at Roswell tomorrow and maybe they will help.
19 Nov 2012
That sounds like your best bet. My bf did chemo, and we had a hell of a time keeping his white count up, and he never ran a fever because his immune system was comprimised.
19 Nov 2012
I hope all is well now. Thank you for trying to help me out. I am researching now and concerned I have this:
A serious lung problem called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Call your doctor or seek emergency care right away if you have shortness of breath, trouble breathing, or a fast rate of breathing.
19 Nov 2012
Those symptoms can mean several things, none of them wonderful. I would certainly call my oncologist in the AM. If you have severe difficulty breathing tonight, go to the er.
25 Nov 2012
I'm in the hospital. They think are have pneumonia
18 Nov 2012
Hi, yes your WBC count is way too high! I don't want to worry you, but the usual range (for a human) is roughly 4,500 - 11k. But of course your body is fighting at the moment so there will be a difference. This indicates inflammation and/or infection. You should speak to you doctor or oncologist if you are concerned. Was nothing mentioned when you got these results?
Votes: +1
19 Nov 2012
Yes, it is way higher than the normal range and there is supposed to be a spike with neulasta but 73?? What could be infected? They gave me a lot of blood cultures in the hospital last week with no results and then again at Roswell on Friday. Maybe they will have some results tomorrow? I know they won't call me if I don't call them. There was nothing mentioned when I got the results but I didn't look them over until later. I think they forgot to look . Why else wouldn't they have remarked? O hope I have some answers tomorrow. I am feeling so ill.
19 Nov 2012
It takes 72 hours to do a blood culture, at least the first reading. Then they read it again at a week.
19 Nov 2012
At the hospital last week I was told 24 hours for the first and 48 for the second. This is very different because they let me out of the hospital based on the negative results of those cultures. Maybe there are different cultures?
19 Nov 2012
They can do preliminary readings at 24 and 48. But a blood culture can be negative for those 2 days and be positive at 72. I don't know of any lab I've ever had dealings with that issued a final report before 72 hrs.
19 Nov 2012
Then what they told at the hospital was incorrect if you are right.
19 Nov 2012
No, it was just early on.
19 Nov 2012
Hi, i've only just come across your comments... you don't need to do a blood culture for a WBC reading, it can be measured by a simple haematology test that will give you results in a matter of minutes. I would urge you to speak to your dr or oncologist as i said before. They shouldn't have sent you home without explaining the results to you. It's very negligent of them!
19 Nov 2012
They were looking for infection because her white count was so high.
19 Nov 2012
They were actually looking for an infection before that because of other complications. I'd been in the hospital the week before, my port was hurting a lot and inflamed. They never did talk to be about the 73+ WBC count before I left.
20 Nov 2012
Oh sorry i mustn't have read your question properly, sorry! Let me know how you're getting on?
25 Nov 2012
THey believe I have pneumonia. It's better than the alternatives. I'm still in the hospital. It's pretty bad.
25 Nov 2012
I'm sorry to hear that. You are in the right place though. I hope they keep you up to date on your progress and that you are feeling better soon. Tell the nurses, doctors if you feel your symptoms aren't being managed properly. I hope you can soon return home.