Can I use Monistat 3 while on my period?
Question posted by babygirl4046 on 25 June 2012
Last updated on 9 April 2015 by mommyof3b
4 Answers
Yes in fact you can use MONISTAT 3 During your cycle. If you were using it before you started your cycle finish out your treatment. However you may NOT use tampons as this can remove the medication from the vaginal canal. So use sanitary pads unscented and keep them changed frequently. Now best results would be at night when your flow is less and your movement in minimal. Your OBGYN may call you a prescription in to take by mouth, if not this will take care of the problem just fine. Don't forget to apply the external cream to help with the itching and burning. Good luck.
This from website FAQ
" Can I use MONISTAT® while having my period?
A. Yes, MONISTAT® can be used during your menstrual period. In fact, many women get vaginal yeast infections just before their period because of hormone changes. Using MONISTAT® during your period will not affect how well the product works. If you have started treatment and your period occurs, you should complete the full course of treatment. Do not use tampons while using MONISTAT® because tampons may remove some of the drug from the vagina. Use deodorant-free sanitary napkins or pads instead, and change them often."
Call your dr and see if they will rx diflucan oral tablet or 2. Use monistat cream for the outside skin. Diflucan is pretty fast, if you take it to more morning, you will be much much better tuesday morning. Patti
It will mostly wash out with your flow. I assume you have the cream. Your pH ought to readjust during your flow. Best to call a doc on this one. I would give it a try, however, at night when the flow is much less. You might get some result. Be sure you apply some crime on the outside to reduce the burning itch,
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