I place the Monistat 1 Ovule last night at 10 pm. It’s now 10am and I went to poop. I had to push and some funk from the ovule leaked out. Would I need to redo it? Or is this normal. I jumped in the shower right after to wash the outside. Please help
Monistat 1 leaked out I need to know if it’s normal. Was in for 12 hours before leaking out?
Question posted by Shay12 on 4 Sep 2018
Last updated on 7 September 2018
This is normal as the ovule will dissolve and eventually leak out on its own by way of gravity so even if you did not use the toilet, chances are you would notice the discharge from the treatment leaking out as you went about your day or having a bowel movement which naturally can cause pressure against the uterus and vagina.
Monistat 1 has the highest percentage of the active ingredient, if your symptoms return you could try it again and use it earlier in the evening.
Thank You! A lot of the itching was relieved so I’m hoping that’s the sign of me getting better. Thank You very much.
Yes, I think that is a good sign that you’re getting better!
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