I had unusual discharge and itching (to be honest I don't remember how long it was going on) so i got Monistat 1 as ive had a yeast infection before, two days ago I used the oval thing and it began to feel better. Yesterday I cleaned the area with the provided sanitary cloth and then put on the cream and went on with my day, when we came back I peed and cleaned the area again as the cream came off during the day, and reapplied the cream, it began to burn right after I used it but slowly faded and I forgot about it, I went to the bathroom and it almost feels like a bladder infection (sometimes I'll go pee and it won't burn at all??) and I still have clumpy discharge.. Did I mess up the medication, have a bladder infection, or possibly a more serious vaginal infection?
Or am I just worrying and this is normal?
MONISTAT 1 - Used Two Days Ago And Still Have Cottage-Cheese-Like Discharge and Burning After I Pee?
Question posted by Loskop on 5 Aug 2017
Last updated on 25 January 2019 by Apollo1992
The symptoms of a yeast infection may take up to a week to resolve after treatment. It sounds as though you need to give it more time to work.
The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:
Vaginal itch or soreness
Thick, white, cheese-like discharge
"Burning" discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially if urine touches the area
Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.
The symptoms of a urinary tract infection differ from a vaginal yeast infection and include:
A strong, persistent urge to urinate
A burning sensation when urinating
Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
Urine that appears cloudy
Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored — a sign of blood in the urine
Strong-smelling urine
Pelvic pain, in women — especially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone
You should see your doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.
For more information visit:
Use the 7 day cream... Not any shorter better results
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monistat, monistat-1, infections, pruritus, vaginal yeast infection, discharge, burning, yeast infection
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