Has anyone who has taken high doses of Seroquel or other drugs of the same caliber experienced mild anemia, specifically a drop in hemoglobin?
Thank you for time to respond!
Question posted by Drkatzjr27 on 20 Feb 2023
Last updated on 21 February 2023 by WildcatVet
Has anyone who has taken high doses of Seroquel or other drugs of the same caliber experienced mild anemia, specifically a drop in hemoglobin?
Thank you for time to respond!
Hi, Drkatzjr!
No, I haven't personally on high dose Seroquel but it's a common side effect:
Very common (10% or more of users): Decreased hemoglobin (Up to 11%)"
seroquel, anemia, schizophrenia, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, dosage, antipsychotic, drug, antipsychotics
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