Middle ear infection + Outer ear pain and swelling?
Question posted by Blemke4 on 11 Aug 2012
Last updated on 27 May 2017
I went into the doctor's office after I had some really bad ear pain. I had been up all night the two days prior to visiting. I was prescribed Amoxicillin, and told that I should use ibuprofen for the pain, and get sudafed to take to help drain it.
I've been taking the Amoxicillin twice a day with breakfast and dinner as told, and I've been taking the ibuprofen and wal-phed (generic version of sudafed). It was going great and my ear has been expelling some pus, and the ear infection felt better.
Now this morning when I woke up my ear was swollen shut. I felt extreme pain at first and I tried to open it up a bit using a q-tip, but I could barely get that in and it came out a yellow-green color. Is it normal for my ear to swell shut like this? Or is it something else that's wrong?
Hi Blemke - that color shows the infection... sort of like the color of phelgm when with a respiratory infection. Amoxicillin is a good antibiotic and you need more time with it. It could be 7-10 days worth but you didn't mention how long it was prescribed for. You can use a hot water bottle to help with the drainage and that isn't uncommon. It has to come out somewhere and out your ear is okay. DON'T STICK ANYTHING FOREIGN IN YOUR EAR! BAD IDEA! You already know you have an ear infection and sticking things in your ear trying to clear it out or up should be left to the doctor. You can puncture an eardrum doing that... The hot water bottle with a cloth over it will help the throbbing and also help to release the fluid buildup. The sudafed is also a good med to help with the congestion part of the infection. Your ear may also feel like it is going to POP... and when that happens... a rush of fluid will come out... that is normal too. But after the POP... and pain...
that should subside significantly. Please, no more stuff in the ear, okay? Please take it easy over the weekend and try to get some heat on it. If nothing else... I have used a hot washcloth and placed it on my ear for the heat. Just don't burn your ear and don't sleep on a heating pad, if you are using one. Always be awake and alert if you use that. And, don't use it on HIGH either because you can get burned and end up with a lot more than and ear infection... you can get second and third degree burns on your face, if lying on heating pad set too high and you fall asleep and forget about it. A neighbor of mine went to the hospital after she feel asleep on a heating pad that was set too high and on her back. That was the first time I had seen burns like that from a heating pad. Just saying... I want you to be safe in whatever you are doing while you are healing from this. Ear pain is so awful and I truly feel for you... Also, if you feel you need to go to a walk-in emergency clinic making sure you have a list of the meds you are on with you and how long you have been taking them. I hope you feel better sooner rather than later.
Votes: +0
12 Aug 2012
Thanks for your advice! I have 10 days prescribed for me, and I have ear drops now after talking to nurses and my doctor for almost an hour on the phone. They are helping a lot, and I have been using a heating pad like that, so that's good.
12 Aug 2012
That is wonderful news then so I hope you are feeling better with each passing day. Just take it easy and move slowly in sitting up from lying down and also standing up. Your equilibrium is all off because of the inner ear issue and fluid build up. Take your time moving around and take it slow.
11 Aug 2012
This isn't normal at all. U should go to the hospital if at all possible this could be very dangerious it usually takes medication 72 hours to get in ur system and start working, please don't ignore this because this could cause hearing loss and a lot more u may want to also have ur teeth checked as well having a bad tooth can also cause u to have ear problems as well good luck wish the best for u
Votes: +0
27 May 2017
I had bronchitis a couple weeks ago and did not finish my prednisone ( took only a couple doses cause felt better) now today have severe ear infection and ear swelled shut. Dr put in ear which and gave Vicodin and ear drops . Just took 4 prednisone without thinking , is this going to make it worse or hyrtvme?
11 Aug 2012
No, this is not normal for a ear infection to have progressed to this level of infection. I recommend you contact your doctor immediately or if unavailable you go to an urgent care facility or the emergency room. Do NOT stick anything in the ear. I don't no how many days you have been on the amoxicillin as to whether it has had time to work, but the extent of this infection needs to be addressed by a professional.
Votes: +2
11 Aug 2012
I've been on it for 2.5 days, I've taken five pills so far.
11 Aug 2012
You need to talk to a doctor asap.
12 Aug 2012
Thanks for the advice. I talked to my doctor and he prescribed me some ear drops and they have helped a lot so far, even though I've only used them once.
Ear drops are weird and make me dizzy, but they are working well so I'm happy about that.