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Does metoprolol affect sex life in men.Taking in combination with bystlic 20 mg.(metoprolol 50)?


Marvell 28 Feb 2012

Yes, metoprolol can cause decreased sex drive/libido and erectile dysfunction.

Bystolic (nebivolol) can also cause erectile dysfunction in men.

Votes: +0
cynyce 28 Feb 2012

You answered this same question differently on another post. You said yes you definitely can have sex.

Marvell 29 Feb 2012

Can you please put a link of that post on here. I'm not too sure what the exact question would have been.

Wiskbroom 12 May 2018

Metoprolol definitely did wither me in 2-3 weeks. I switched to bystolic bc their original web site n research said it wouldn’t have that effect. It did but not as severe Occasional ed but not total impotence at 10 mg a day free discount card

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metoprolol, sex

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