I see a lot of women who are happy with their weight loss results while on metformin, but I notice it is also in conjuction with a lifestyle change in diet and exercise. What I'd like to know is this: is there anyone out there (I know there must be) in their early 20's who, like me, has dieted their whole life and completely cut out sugar (other than a tbsp of honey with my chicory everyday), and exercised seriously since puberty and have still been unable to lose weight past a certain point (around 30 lbs overweight)? My health problems have been a complete mystery to me and all the doctors I've seen. They all just glance at my files and test results and say, "Oh, you're healthy enough" "Excruciating cramps? That's normal." "You have a family history of hypothyroidism and ovarian cysts? That doesn't mean anything." "Low body temp? I'm sure it's fine." "Unable to lose weight? Are you sure you're not eating more than you realize?" My endocrinologist won't even give me a complete hormone test. He says, "There's no point in checking your testostorone. I mean, if it's too high, what are you gonna do? There's nothing you can do." He and other doctors are ready to settle for an "idiopathic diagnosis" rather than perform tests that might confirm an actual one. So let me tell you my story and maybe you can share any ideas that you might have regarding what it is I suffer from, if anything other than hypocondria: when I was around 10, I ballooned in weight and ever since, it's been an uphill struggle just to stay within a 30 BMI range. In the last year, I've managed to lose 50 lbs (22 of which were gained on thyroid meds), but it's been so hard, and the weight has suddenly and stubbornly stopped coming off in spite of my hardest efforts to continue losing. I'm already on a low GI diet, the adrenal fatigue diet, the low-carb diet, the gluten-free diet, and Weight Watchers. Basically, all I allow myself to eat are vegetables, lean meats, certain dairy products, and water (lots and lots of water). As for exercise, I weight-lift, bellydance (and yes, I do feel silly doing it sometimes), and I do yoga. I used to do Denise Austin's "Ultimate Fat-Blaster" twice everyday but, after a year and no fat-blasting, I had to give up, because I had developed bone spurs and my shins, knees, and back were killing me from all the stress I was putting on my already heavy body. I used to suffer from excessive bleeding and clots during my periods but they have improved this past year. I also had excruciating cramps, sometimes when I wasn't even menstruating. However, my periods have been pretty regular and have gotten a little less painful this last year, so I'm thankful for that and hope that means I'm not infertile thought it's always been a deep, dark fear of mine. I have thin hair, brittle nails, and little red untreatable bumps all over my legs and arms as well as a few skin tags around my neck and underarms. Though I'm still looking for a doctor to perform the tests necessary to diagnose me, I suspect I suffer from insulin resistence and/or possibly PCOS. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I just want a name to whatever it is I have. If anyone has an idea, I'd appreciate it. I honestly feel like reaching my ideal weight is impossible without a little extra help, either medication or liposuction. And I know there is no "magic bullet" for my problems. But what I'd like to know is if this medication might help since diet and exercise has failed? I know I'll always have to diet and exercise, but at this point, they are not helping my problems very much. If I am diagnosed with PCOS, I would still be wary of taking medication, especially after gaining weight on thryoid meds, but I'm getting very frustrated. Sorry to have written such a long description. I didn't mean to pontificate about myself, but I'm not sure what info will be helpful and what info won't. And I know I'm jumping the gun, researching PCOS meds when I'm not even sure I suffer from it, but I'm very eager to find a solution. Again, any advice or opinions will be greatly appreciated. I'll stop talking now.
