A1C normal for 4 years, should I ask doc to reduce cause I feel I'm gaining weight the longer I'm taking it, but I have no other side effects. Weight gain is not a phobia/image thing it's a health concern only because I'm taking gabapentin 900mg 3xday. see my concern
Metformin - 1000mg x2 day has it caused any weight gain with anyone?
Question posted by Anonymous on 3 Dec 2012
Last updated on 14 September 2023 by latisha89
27 Answers
I have been on and off metformin for PCOS since 2015 all kinds of doses and EVERY time I am I gain 20-30 lbs a month. Once I tell Dr's this I get shut down with metformin doesn't cause weight gain, you must not be taking it or not following a diet. Side note I had been a pescatarian for 2 years during that time and going to crossfit 5 days a week for a year. So yeah that wasn't the case. Plus when I started in 2015 I was under 200lbs I blew up to 235. Almost 6 months ago I was put back on it after a 3 yr gap. I started at 197lbs and now I'm at 225. Once I seen the weight gain I got off it and told my Dr. She too said it doesn't cause weight gain. It's funny how every time I get on it I gain close to 10 lbs a week and then it's hard to lose it on top of a back injury the weight gain doesn't help it.
YES!. I have tried it twice, a year apart and gained weight both times. Both times I was on 500 mg a day. First time I felt like I was bloated and gained weight over a 12 month period. It suppressed my appetite and yet I was gaining weight?! i gained about 25 pounds in an 12 month period. My diet had not changed and my activity level actually increased, but my weight ballooned up. My weight had always stayed the same for 10 years. But at the same time, I was also on Prozac, so I blamed the Prozac. I went off both meds. My weight was slowly going down to normal, so my MD and myself decided to try the Metformin again (my A1C was only slightly elevated). In 4 months my weight has back gone up almost 10 pounds and I am definitely not eating more than 1600 cal a day and working out. I have that same bloated feeling too. Like my belly looks like a beer gut ( I never touch alcohol) . It is frustrating bc all the research I did was that Metformin causes weight loss. But that is not true for everyone. I am stopping it and never taking it again!
Yes. I started taking metformin and within 2 weeks I had gained about 8 lbs, without changing my diet. This was way above my baseline, and I had not been eating crappy. It was shocking.
I then began to take ozempic. Over 4 months I barely lost 5 lbs. But one week, I forgot to add the metformin to my pill dispensers and I started dropping weight rapidly. Broke a new record, lost about 6-7 lbs in a week.
I began taking it again, and gained 5 lbs back. All still while exercising and limiting my diet.
Now I'm stopping taking it yet again, and suddenly my weight is dropping again. I also feel less bloated.
Mind you, that all this happened after cutting sugars and most carbs from my diet, and generally eating around 1500 cals per day.
I do think that some people can have this strange reaction, although it's hard to find much about it online.
I am not a doctor or a nurse. BUT I have been on metformin for 30 years and it has caused me to lose weight at times and gain weight other times. i believe my body changes constantly, and it reacts to the med differently than other times. Frustrating? yes, live with it? I have been, but I've about had it now. I think it's time to get off of this medication and find something better.
I'm type 2, metformin 1500mgs once a day for about a month now, gaing weight, like 2 pounds a week, it's terrible. But when I took 1000 mgs once a day, about 10 years ago, I lost weight. I have to talk to my doctor and get off this.
It’s not the metformin causing weight gain. It’s the gabapentin as confirmed by my primary care doctor. Once I was taken off the gaba, the weight started coming off. I’m also on metformin. He also put me on phentermine for the next three months to help with my weight loss. I’m on month two and have already dropped 10 pounds and my A1C and glucose levels are just about normal. Exercise and a good diet are also key.
I’ve been on 1000 x 2 daily, and had considerable weight gain. Just to experiment I dropped to one 500 in the morning, immediately starting dropping weight. A1C numbers of course went back up, went back on 1000 x 2, immediately gained 10 pounds.
I've been on twice that much Gabapentin per day, its called a thereputic dose or level, yes a team of docs where involved with this. Anyway i gained little weight from that. But since around the same time i had gained some extra non medicinal weight my Internal Med Specialist whos known me for years, suggested 3 medications one being Metformin since i asked about weight loss. The other 2 came along with nasty side effects, I was a new Grandmother and the last thing I needed was chronic diarrhea!! So Metformin 500mg 3 times a day was started. I didnt see over night success, but i didnt crash diet at all either. nor did i add massive excersize, i suffer from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, twice broken back, its hard to move some days... but in about 6 months my jeans were too big, by about 4 sizes! in another few months more weight CAME OFF! In ONE YEAR I lost about 100 pounds. nothing else changed except adding the Metformin.
The Gabapentin dosage was decreased back to where it was approx 3months prior so that did not cause this weight loss!
My question: Why would this happen so few people and others they gain weight? :(
I, too, have gained weight since taking Glyburide-Metformin. I feel like I'm feeding the medication. I didn't eat as much before going on this medication. It's very frustrating. I do exercise on a regular basis. Of course different people hv different effects from medications. Could some of the material used to solidify the pill, be a part of the problem? I'm seriously considering requesting my Doctor prescribe something different for me.
I have no doubt in the world that metformin caused my weight gain. Even after I stopped taking it, my body was different. I gained weight no matter what. When I seriously talked to my doctor about this, both he and his nurse, said they see that problem a lot. Metformin may be great for some people but not every medication works the same for every one. My doctor has been helping me; I'm using an incumbent bike which is like a chair and has a back on it to get some exercise. I have a chronic back spasm that never quits so this was my only option to exercise. Even though I tried it before, it wasn't until my doctor put me on another medication that I started losing weight. I've now lost almost twenty pounds but have a few more to go before I get back to what I weighed before metformin. I feel much better which is the main reason to lose weight. Metformin does help some people lose weight. In others, it makes them gain weight. Talk to you doctor seriously. There are other medications so find the one that works for you.
How long did you take metformin?
I didn't take it long; I'm sorry I can't be specific. I may have only got one refill on it. Shortly after starting it, I knew something was wrong. I didn't feel right with it and I wasn't eating any more than usual. I was using my bike the same amount of time (I use it more now) but almost from the first week, every time I stepped on that scale my weight was higher. It did something to my metabolism and that's why I talked to my doctor. I'm not saying anything against this drug for some people. It helped my daughter for about a year, but she recently told me that she had weaned off of it and she's feeling much better. I guess it gave her a jump start but it stopped doing anything for her. If there's no other medication a doctor can find for you (which I don't believe) but if not and it's helping with diabetes, I wouldn't tell you to stop. (My grandmother had diabetes for years and she never took metformin.
She controlled her diabetes with another medication and she never gained weight with it.) The doctor who prescribed it didn't pay any attention to me. I started with a new doctor and when I really stressed that I was sure that was the problem, he looked back over my records and could see the weight gain started along with the metformin. As I said, both he and his nurse said they heard it often and they always checked the records to be sure. I know it's not the medication for me and wouldn't try it again.
I'm having a real problem with peripheral neuropathy which is getting worse. I've read a lot of articles/research and it seems that Metformin can cause it. It's getting worse. I stopped taking Metformin and have blood work next week then two weeks after an appointment. We'll see what happens.
Very curious because I have been experiencing weight gain on Metformin - what is the other medication your new doctor prescribed? Thank you.
I recently started taking metformin for insulin resistance. I also began a super low carb diet. This has been about a month ago. I have had great success low carbing in the past. This time with metformin, my blood sugars are low and stable around 90, but I'm not losing any weight. Normally when simply low carbing (20g or less a day) I lose weight fast and I have to carefully monitor my blood sugar because it will run low around 60. I truly believe I'm not losing weight because of the metformin. I didn't take it yesterday or today and once again my blood sugar has been around 65. I know in theory this shouldn't be because metformin is believed to cause weight loss, but for me it be! I mentioned this to my doctor and he blew me off, just like he blew me off when I tried it in the past for PCOS and suddenly I began having the heaviest periods imaginable. I know it effects hormones and lets not forget insulin is a hormone.
I gained weight a lot after taking metphormin. My dr. does not believe me though.
To Kpark1973: Find another doctor. If you read my previous comment you'll see that the doctor I see now, and his nurse, said they had heard from numerous patients that they had gained weight and continued to do so after stopping Metformin. Nothing helped. One doctor acted like I was crazy but this doctor I've been seeing for the past year finally listened and said it was a common problem. Don't give up - find the right doctor who understands.
I was prescribed this for pregnancy. I dont have diabetes, I work out 6 days a week, eat pretty well, run marathons, etc. I started this medication 2 weeks ago. I have gained several pounds, bloated, had ad pain and trouble breathing.
Id love to get pregnant but dont know if all this is worth it. I dont know if there is another medication out there that does the same. What do you think?
I have some comments on this subject in this thread because I was prescribed this medication to lose weight. My daughter is insulin resistant and it helped her. She suggested I ask about it and it was prescribed for me. I started gaining weight and no matter how hard I tried to lose it, I kept gaining. All the weight seems to be in my abdomen. I wear the same size clothes but had to get looser tops. It was like I had this pooch that stuck out in front. I gained about ten pounds before I stopped taking it. After I stopped I still had the weight and gained more no matter how hard I worked at it. I talked to my doctor about this just about three weeks ago. His nurse, who I spoke to first, said they heard that often. Then my doctor came in and said the same thing. He said they received complaints from a lot of people who took Metformin and gained weight - especially around the middle - and they can't lose it.
He prescribed another medication for me and I've already lost six pounds. This is a doctor I've seen for about a year. His office is not the office the prescribed it for me. It was a relief to finally hear some validation about what I knew about this medication. For people who are insulin resistant or who have diabetes, it's a great medication and they will lost weight. Although that will plateau they will still feel better. For those of us who didn't really need it, it has the opposite effect. We gain weight and feel lousy. I'm so glad I switched doctors. Summation: My daughter and my husband need metformin. They lost weight and feel better. I didn't need it; I gained weight and felt horrible. I'm not saying anything about this medication if a person needs it. It's definitely helpful. If you don't really need it, you're going to be sorry you tried it.
Was the metformin prescribed to help you get pregnant? I read tons of info about this drug because of what it do to me as opposed as to what it did for my daughter and husband. I never read anything about it being prescribed for pregnancy. I'd like to know the answer to that just for information. I've had my kids and I'm finished with that but why is metformin prescribed for pregnancy??? (And yes getting pregnant is worth everything but I'm not sure how Metformin helps.)
Metformin according to my doc is suppose to help get ovulation on schedule if yours is off for whatever reason. And it increases fertility. This is kind of a "do this first" before getting into fertility drugs.
Surely there are hormone pills they can give you for that. My hormones "got out of whack" for a while.(Best way I could say it) It took me a year to become pregnant with my second baby. Perhaps they should look into how much you are exercising and running marathons. As I recall, I've read several articles about athletic women having trouble with hormones. Some get their hormones so out of balance they don't even have periods. Just a thought.
i probably should look at it. We've tried for 2 years now. But I will say that out of those 2 years, about 20 months were very stressful non stop. Everything was out of whack. The only constant was my running. So to be fair, we've tried for 4 months. I'll try this method for another couple of months, then move on to something different or just accept reality. :(
Metformin is not good for me ; 2 months on 500 mg once a day I am hypothyroidism and insulin resistance ; on Syhthroid for 9 years, md always adjusting doses; neg for Cushings ; Menopasal 2 years now; Thyroid scans, no change in nodules, ck"d every 6 months; adamant about good diet and excersise; very depressed now. sleep is disturbed and fatigued all the time. The doctors just cant seem to help. I am changing doctors again for the 4th time.
I have hypothyroidism and used to take Synthroid without good results. Most primary care physicians order the usual thyroid test that does not measure T-3 factor, which is responsible for metabolism and mental acuity. But doctors will say nothing is wrong with your thyroid, because they assume if your T-4 is normal that it’s converting also to T-3. The conversion often doesn’t happen, which means an unidentified deficiency. Synthroid does not have T-3..Ask to be specifically tested for your T-3 level. Don’t accept low normal result as OK. An optimal result is at the upper level of normal range. If you test low, request a prescription for a natural thyroid supplement that, most importantly, addresses the T-3 deficiency. Be re-tested in three months to see if dosage needs adjustment.
I almost immediately started to hold water. Gained 8 lbs.
Related topics
weight loss (obesity/overweight), diabetes, type 2, insulin resistance, metformin, side effect, weight
Further information
- Metformin uses and safety info
- Metformin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Metformin (detailed)
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