I was taking melatonin for several months and it worked great. Then, it stopped working and I began having insomnia. Im also on Impramine, an antidepressant. Can melatonin interact with tricyclic antidepressants? How long does it take to get the melatonin out of your system completely?
Does melatonin stopped working after awhile?
Question posted by kmlvr9 on 2 May 2014
Last updated on 18 January 2017 by migrainesuf1166
4 Answers
I have taken melatonin from time to time as well as most other OTC and prescription sleep meds and they all have one thing in common... I build up a tolerance to them fast. Melatonin, super fast. I can take it once in a blue moon and it helps me fall asleep but, not back to back nights. Trazodone helped me the most for the longest period of time, even more than ambien. That stuff works great for very short term use and then it can kick in some of its effect, like its amnesia effects but not the sleep so you take it and are awake but, the following day aren't aware what you did during the time you were awake. Very scary... I've had my family tell me things I did and I was shocked and had no memory of doing them. Needless to say, I don't take those meds anymore:)
I,started 5 mg time released on Jan 13 and it was working made me tired the next day but last night I slept for three hours so I took another 5 mg woke up three hours I dont feel tired,.I think u have to increase it once it stop working im doing the same thing.Hope this helps
I would recommend you stop taking it for a few weeks to a month. When you go back on it, don't take it every night. Instead take it every other night or every few nights, and stagger it around from week to week, because it can change your sleep cycle and not work, also take the smallest dose that works. Keeping active will increase the amount of melatonin your body naturally creates (as well it increase the amount of feel-good chemicals which will keep things like depression at bay)
I forgot to mention: melatonin does not interact with antidepressants. I hope your insomnia ends soon.
Best to you,
I think you are probably right! It worked for awhile, then suddenly it stopped working and I couldn't sleep. Apparently this stuff can build up in your system, fast! Also, since Im taking a tricyclic antidepressant, it made my head feel weird, kinda like if you were taking some type of speed drug! I think people should be careful mixing different meds because if you don't know what a particular med does, you can get what is called the serotonin syndrome, which can be very dangerous! Although, Im sure someone would have to take very large doses for this to occur. You can research this syndrome online to know more about it. Thanks for your advice! Sounds like a great plan!
I am aware of the serotonin syndrome; however, no worries as it is very rare, but it is good that you and anyone taking meds be aware of it.
Good luck!
I take melatonin and a tca. I found that you have to increase the dose after a while. Lately tho I'm taking the 10mg time released ones and they are working fine.
I havent ever tried the time release melatonin. Maybe I should give it a try... Thanks for your advice!
Related topics
insomnia, melatonin, antidepressant
Further information
- Melatonin uses and safety info
- Melatonin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Melatonin (detailed)
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