Took it last night with plenty of water. Its been 2 weeks since my last bm. Not the first time. Was trying to make it easier by using magnesium citrate. Now next day nothing. It felt like it was wprking at first but when i woke up, no go.
Magnesium Citrate - 18 hours later and still havent gone?
Question posted by helppp on 22 March 2015
Last updated on 18 September 2018
6 Answers
I’m 18 years old and I have endometriosis and severe gastritis recently found by an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. After the procedure 2 weeks ago my constipation got worse and now Is causing more pain. For the past 36 hours I have not had a bowel movement and I’m extremely bloeated with chronic pain. Yesterday I spent half the day in my school nurses office throwing up all the water meds and food I had eaten so it’s obviously not going down. I’ve been on miralax for 2 days and I haven’t had a bowel movement so last night I got magnesium citrate and chugged the whole thing... nothing all night... I woke up this morning and was able to force a little out but not much and pain and bloating still persists. Any advice because I’m about to head back to the ER to demand an X-Ray to determine if I have a blocked intestine. I’m not sure what else I can do from here... SOS
I would agree with using MiraLax. I also get medication induced constipation and this is the only thing that has worked for me and it usually works within a day or two. Good luck!
I too have a history of not having a bm for 2, 3 sometimes 4 wks. at a time. Had it all my
life, now I'm 50 and my condition has worsened to where I'm drinking the mag.citrate. Took it over 24 hrs. ago, nothing. Going to the doctor doesn't help. They really can't do anything for me. I've been told I can not get cancer with this kind of a condition. Hmm, I wonder. Enemas stool softeners & herbs don't help. I have experienced, after 4 wks. of no b.m., that it just comes out by force... loose. I usually end up sick to stomach though... sitting in the bathroom for 2 hrs. going and my heart racing, sweating profusely, nauseated and on the verge of fainting. No doctor has helped me thus far and won't take me into the hospital just to clean me out. Can anyone out there help me?
I had an anal fissure that wouldn't heal. I was told to take Metamucil with each meal to make my stool like cottage cheese. I hated the Metamucil so I I took 3 stool softeners with each meal. While it wasn't cottage cheese it softened enough to let it heal. Maybe that taken with your meals might work.
Searching web for answers to my digestive problems, I came upon this site, and your posting. You are describing my situation, as though written by me. [from infrequency to being physically ill,] I am waiting for yet another visit to MD. alas my hopes he has an answer, to my feeling so ill, are not positive. Things at an all time worse, Magnesium citrate hasn't helped. I have sweats, itchy skin, congestion in my head, and am no good as a constructive person. Had the tests, CT for pain in abdomen, and blood work, because nothing showed, I am considered not having a problem, that won't correct itself. It has been years, otherwise healthy, this has brought me down to seriously ill. Sorry, I don't have answer for you, am trying like Hell to find one for me, any helpful solution, I will let you know. It sometimes feels we are alone, these problems couldn't exist for another, you are not alone, I am in my search for a doctor who wants to be of help.
Have you been looked at for a disorder called Gastroparesis? I have it and you appear to have some of the same symptoms as myself. Typically, big city hospitals have GI’s that can diagnosis and treat Gastroparesis at their “digestive disease centers/departments”, such as Temple Hospital in Philadelphia, PA.
I am now 53 and have also had constipation all my life. I would, like you, only have a BM every 2, 3 or 4 weeks. My friends always joked with me and called me "poops once a month". I didn't find it too funny. I have taken all the recommended things to help me go and nothing works. No stool softener, no laxative, suppository, enemas, or herbs. Magnesium Citrate has worked in the distant past, but the last couple of times that I tried it there was no relief. I do get physically ill - with sweats, heart palpitations, nausea, bloating, cramps and feeling as if I would faint.
When the magnesium citrate did work in the past and I had been taking laxatives and softeners for months, my BM would still be like pushing out rock. I had to push so hard just to get a rock solid half dollar sized poop to come out. It was so painful. I am always afraid that having to push that hard for any result is going to give me a heart attack.
I too am still looking for a doctor to help me. I wish you all the luck, and if you find something that works please post it. I will check back often. One consolation for me is I now know I am not alone.
I have had ongoing constipation due to medications. I tried everything! Even the magnesium citrate did not work. I tried Miralax laxative after seeing an add on TV. No more problems at all. Now, everyone's body is different, but that is what works perfectly for me. I wish Id tried it a long time ago.
Two weeks? Try a Fleet enema asap, if that doesn't do it you should be seen right away.
Did you drink the whole bottle? 2 weeks is an awful long time to not have a bm.
Just about the whole bottle stopped cause i started feeling something. And yes it is which is why i was hoping this would help ease it and make it less painful
Related topics
constipation, magnesium citrate
Further information
- Magnesium Citrate uses and safety info
- Magnesium Citrate prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Magnesium Citrate (detailed)
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