My friend told me she had sex with her boyfriend and the condom broke. About 5 days ago she had taken a morning after pill because the condom broke. She spoke to her doctor about birth control but she didnt get the pills yet. She wants to know if by any chance the morning after pill is still in her system and stopped the dropping of an egg to get her pregnant. I dont have much experience with the morning after pill except ive taken it twice during different occasions but ive become curious how long the pill stays inside the woman's body before it becomes possible for her to get pregnant again.
How long does emergency contraception stay in system??
Question posted by Acasia Jackson on 20 May 2015
Last updated on 21 May 2015
No, it doesnt cover one for days. A woman returns to fertility pretty quickly after Plan b. If she took it 5 days ago, she is not covered now. She needs to use something other than condoms or she is using them wrong. Condoms should not break that easily if used properly. It helps to use spermicide with condoms in case or leaks or breaks. I hate to say it but she may need to take another dose of Plan b and then she needs to get on her Dr about getting on birth control pills or other form of hormonal contraception!!
I've never heard so many broken condom stories recently. I have a belief the boys don't have much of a clue about them. Do NOT keep one or two handy in your wallet (greatly increasing failure rates). Leave a flattened end where the reservoir for the ejaculate is so it has someplace to go.
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birth control, emergency contraception, contraception, doctor, sex, condom, pill, emergency
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