Been taking this dose for 14 days now... Started yelling daily after about 5 days on med... I thought it was circumstantial anger so I ignored my level of anger ... But it is so frequent and I am SO out of character with yelling ( normally once every 1-2 yrs) ... I've yelled at both my 13yr old and my husband in the past week for stuff that I normally communicate (or placate) through... I spoke with my doc and she thinks it is too early to judge this medication. Suicidal thoughts are less than half what they were. I have no physically bothersome side effects... I live in a hateful state (possibly better than sad&hopeless ) . . . But I am hateful in spirit and in words ... I suffer with sever depression, anxiety and some sort of paranoia... Doc says she doesn't think I'm bipolar, and this med is known to reduce suicidal thoughts and help with depression. Doc acts like I shouldn't attribute my anger/rage/hate to this med QUESTION: am I alone in having this reaction??? If so, then I concede that it's all in my head and not related to this med.

I did read an entry where a member asked a similar question, but there were other drug and drug interaction possibilities.

Please help. Even if u don't have an account or have interest in this site... I feel like I need to know if this has happened to someone before... Yelling can be dangerous to relationships... I realize my part in controlling my anger but if there is a chemical throwing fuel on my flame I need to know... please