I have been taking 300mg of Wellbutrin XL for a month and a half now. About a week ago I woke up... with what looked like little bug bites just under my arm and they itched like crazy so I thought I got bit while sleeping so I checked the bed; changed all the sheets; blankets and didn't find any sign of any bugs. The next night I woke up with more this time on my stomach and again itching like crazy. And then I got some on my chest and upper thigh. I am going nuts. I know that this med can cause itching and a rash but does it look like little bites? Has anyone else had this happen. I can't take the itch and it's also creeping me out
Itching...small red bumps look like bug bites? Caused by Wellbutrin XL?
Question posted by Zanymom on 5 July 2016
Last updated on 22 March 2018 by Andwhat78
5 Answers
Same thing happened to me. About a month after taking Wellbutrin 2x daily I woke up with small red bumps all over my arm, shoulder and neck. Next day it was on my upper thigh and itching like crazy. Doctor said I’m allergic and cut dose in half. Starting to get better
It's been 3 days since you posted. Just curious: Have you found the reason for your rash/bug bites?
I had an allergic reaction to a medication that was prescribed by my dermatologist, for some cream for something on the skin on my face. My legs broke out in welts that started out looking like bites and grew and spread. I hardly slept for 3 weeks from the incessant itching. Nothing would give me relief, and it was driving me crazy! It finally worked its way out of my system. But it was definitely an allergic reaction to the cream that was prescribed to me for my face. The doctor said it got so bad, as it continued to spread, it looked like someone had continuously hit my legs with a weed eater that was covered in poison ivy. That's the best description for the way my allergic reaction looked, it was awful! "G"
Hi G,
It's a good ending!
You found the cause!
Thanks for the feedback.
Zanymom: I went to drugs.com for side effects of wellbutrin xl. Here is what I found. It says, Call your doctor at once if you have any of these side effects: ( I cut and pasted the part about the rash for you to read):
severe skin reaction--fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.
You're having an allergic reaction to this medication.
I would call my doctor first thing in the morning, if I were you. If it's getting worse, go to the ER. Please let me know how you are doing, ok? "G"
I agree with G mc.
Drug allergies is different than an adverse reaction.
Drug allergies... The body detects a foreign body in the system and reacts. The body usually had a previous experience with that med. It usually occurs after taking med but can occur up to a month. There are usually other symptoms like fever, nose dripping, up to severe anaphylaxis. It's usually symmetrical meaning both sides of body.
An adverse reactions are important to let your doctor know about so it is included in your chart. They can occur any time after a med is started over months. The rash can present in all different types anywhere on body.
You need to contact the doctor that prescribed it to be switched to something similar.
Benadryl and steroid OTC may help the itchiness but not in place of seeing the doctor.
Call in the morning so they can get you in right away.
Good luck.
Thank you; it's like small bug bites no fever; sore throat or any other trouble. I sent my doctor a message and am waiting to hear back.
Good... Please give us feedback. It helps guide us in the future.
I had been on 300mg of Wellbutrin for over a month when individual red itchy bumps arose. Initially thought mosquito bites (no); as itching got worse and wouldn't go away, thought chiggers? But not just on ankles, randomly on legs, behind knees, randomly on thighs, stomach, back. Itching at night in particular. Took Benadryl & hydrocortisone cream. Didn't help. Gold bond powder - no help. Took bedroom apart looking for spiders or bed bugs - nothing. My doctor didn't think it was related, but I went off Wellbutrin anyway and the bumps are going away. I know if NO other possible related cause (no new foods, laundry detergent, etc.). Friend on Zoloft had same experience. It seems doctors are not willing to report this so it's not showing up in med side effects.
I went to RXlist.com to find if there were any side effects of wellbutrin xl, such as you described. It says there that you should call your doctor immediately if these side effects occur:
severe skin reaction -- fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.
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wellbutrin, wellbutrin xl, pruritus
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