My son is doing well on Suboxone for his addiction but he hates the taste of the strips. Any suggestions?
Is there anything to help with the horrible taste of Suboxone strips?
Question posted by mom8279 on 20 May 2011
Last updated on 8 July 2019 by noah9612
6 Answers
Try Milk! I swear to god, one sip of milk, and the taste of the sub is completely gone, and you will no longer taste it with anything you drink and eat after that sip of milk! On my life it work!
YESSSSS!! There sure is... Blue Mtn. Dew Voltage works GGGGGREAT!! I couldn't believe it when it happened to me, one day after I had taken a strip and all I had was that to drink afterwards... MARK MY WORDS... try it and you will agree!!
Ive been on suboxone for about 6 months and still gag at the taste. The ONLY thing that helps me with the taste is coffee. To me the taste of the sub is very bitter and NOT like citrus at all, the pills weren't as bad tasting but my doctor no longer gives them. Anyway try coffee it will mask or wash the taste out pretty well.
hmm, well chew some some and let is dissolve in the spit, a strong gum very strong, or very very fruity, that worked for me.
I've been on the strips for 3 monts now. I've gotten used to the taste. Doesn't bother me in the least. I've definetly tasted a lot worse. At least it's not as bad as cough syrup. That stuff makes me gag. Oh, and with the orange flavor it has, he probably shouldn't brush his teeth or use mouthwash around the time he takes a strip. It kinda has the toothpaste with orange juice effect... yuck.
FYI... I just took a sip of big red after taking my strip. Bad idea. It tastes REALLY horrible!
Good suggestions. He says he could tolerate one strip. It's the second one that is nasty. Hopefully, he can adjust his dose when he sees the dr on Monday. So no toothpaste right after taking or big red. Got it. His strips seem to melt in just a couple of minutes. Is this too quick?
Mine dissolve pretty quick sometimes too. And sometimes they take forever to dissolve. It doesn't seem to affect the results. But, that's me. Everybody is different.
As long as he doesn't swallow the subs along with it, he can put a piece of candy, a mint, or anything small like that, on the top of his tongue while the subs are dissolving. Tell him to make sure he doesn't swallow too quickly.pattishan
Thanks for the suggestion. Great idea. I don't want him to stop taking the subs because he doesn't like the taste.
I took the pills, they taste bad to some people, didn't bother me. That's good, I am a ridiculously picky eater
I cant stand the taste either, i notice when i keep my tongue and mouth as still as possible when its dissolving, less saliva travels around my mouth spreading the aweful flavor-
Brian sent you a pq, read it, info that can help there.
Try zubsolv. It doesn't have the taste. It tastes like mint.
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