I have been taking amoxicillin for strep throat but do not have enough for 10 days. I do have some rx657 to finish the day's. Is it safe to take them?
Is cephalexin the same as amoxicillin? Can you take both together?
Question posted by karryfrantz on 6 Nov 2010
Last updated on 6 November 2010 by CreativeMom7216
This question has also been asked and answered here: Is it a problem to switch to Amoxicilin while taking Cephalexin?
i would not. Cephalexin (also known as Keflex) acts in a different way and for different types of infections. Amoxicillin is a lot stronger. keflex is used for some skin infections and other things. If you have been taking amoxicillin and use keflex for the remainder of your dose what happens is the amoxicillin will kill the weak bacteria first and even though you feel better stronger bacteria still survive. That is why drs always say to finish all your antibiotics even if you feel better. You dont want the stronger bacteria to survive and then down the road become resistant to amoxicillin. there is also a reason drs have different antibiotics for different types of infection. the best thing to do is get more amoxicillin from your dr. I hope this helps!
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amoxicillin, cephalexin, strep throat
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