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Is adderal and prozac similar medications?

3 Answers

wthomas37801 12 Aug 2010

Are they similar medications? No and Yes... the yes part being conditional. No they are not similar by way of their designated classification. They have different modes of action and bind to different receptors. Adderall belongs to the class of drugs called amphetamines while Prozac belongs to the class of drugs called selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). So looking at it in this way, no they are not similar. However, they can be considered similar if you take in to consideration that both can produce the desired result of mood stabilization and/or enhancment. I´m sure you´re already aware that Prozac is an anti depressent and is meant to improve mood, well Adderall has been being used to do the same thing for some time now. The following statement is an excerpt from the maker of Adderall and is goes to show how one could argue that there are similarities between Prozac and Adderall.


´´Apart from the FDA approved indications for the treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy, Adderall has also been used off-label to manage cases of treatment-resistant depression and exogenous obesity. Individuals who show little or no response to FDA approved antidepressants, including SSRIs, MAOIs, tricyclics, bupropion, and aripiprazole, could show a favorable response to psychostimulant medication.´´ So I hope you can see that it is possible for them to be considered similar only when you consider it from the standpoint that it is the potential for the desired result of mood enhancement. Other than that nothing else that I know of could be used to label these two drugs as similar. Hope that answers your question.

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Inactive 11 Aug 2010

No, they have nothing in common.

Adderal treats attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also treats narcolepsy-- chronic sleep disorder resulting from the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles.

Prozac apart from being an anti-depressant it also treats Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) bulimia panic disorder.

Take care.

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Kat girl 11 Aug 2010

I am not a Dr. but a teacher. From my experience, I have had many students on Adderal. I know this drug to be for ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is used to help people FOCUS more, and helps to "slow down and not be so hyper." I am actually on Prozac myself. That one is used more for depression and anxiety. So in my opinion, I dont think they are similar medications. Hope this helps some.

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