A week ago an ER dr told me to stop taking BISOPROLOL after he noticed that when I slept my blood pressure falls below 100/65, and my pulse falls below 44. I am being treated for a Heart Virus (10 mg BISOPROLOL), High Blood Pressure (Coversyl Plus), a bad ratio of HDL to LDL (Crestor), depression (Effexor), digestion problems (Lomotil), and low-dose ASA as a blood thinner. I also take a number of natural remedies for various ailments.
I have been unable to contact my heart specialist since I stopped the BIS. Now I just remembered I am not supposed to stop this medication all at once, so I need to know at what dose I should return to taking it, and what rate to wean myself off it at.
So far I have noticed no ill effects, but I'm guessing that's only a matter of time.
Please help me ASAP. Thank you.
If I stop taking BISOPROLOL suddenly, can I just restart again to prevent any associated damage?
Question posted by rawgod on 4 June 2010
Last updated on 16 July 2010 by Anonymous
3 Answers
I would take the dose you have and split the pill then after about a week go back to taking your normal dose.
Hi kid; Listen up. I'm for sure , no Doctor, just an old guy that wears jeans & T-shirt, but listen up, and this is no Bull_ _ _ _! People take B P Meds for granted [all of them] probably because they're so damn common, like everybody's on at least one, so what the hey"! So I did a little research, partially because i'm on Atenolol & Nifedipine, and partially because "I don't think you'd look good on a slab"! Here's what I found. . . "ALL B P DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS"! A few of them have as many as 500+ drug interactions. Don't be foolish kid, can you just start up again... NO! If you can't reach your Doctor, see your fathers Dr... or your Moms Dr. ... or a clinic , a pharmacy druggest ok. Don't jump back on the horse, you can fall off & get hurt ! "Hey, have a healthy happy life"! Sacosam I am !
Hey, S, not sure where you got the idea I was still a kid. My mother died in the 50's, my father in the 70's. Their doctors are long dead too. And as I told k above, I live in the middle of nowhere, so going to see someone isn't always easy. You can't know what it's like to live in a remote area until you try it.
May I suggest that you do the following. 1. Contact the hospital you were seen at and ask to be explained how to wean yourself off Bisoprolol. 2. If they are not willing to help you may want to call your pharmacist and he may have some insight as to how to do this. 3. If that does not work then keep calling your cardiologist till you get a response or go to their office to get the help you need. I feel if you go to their office they have no way of ignoring you since you are in their office. Hope this helps in some way.
Thanks, k. It would be easy, if I didn't live 8 hours away from my cardio's office, and if the ER doctor I saw wasn't in South Africa now, and our ER had a doctor. Life in the boonies is not easy, like it is in the city. I did talk to two pharmacists, but their answers didn't quite match. So, until I can get my cardio's attention, I have re-started the bisoprolol at 2.5 mg/day and if it takes a week or more before I can reach him, I'll bump it up to 5 mg after 10 days. Hopefully by then I will have a good medical answer.
Related topics
high blood pressure, bisoprolol
Further information
- Bisoprolol uses and safety info
- Bisoprolol prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Bisoprolol (detailed)
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