I am prescribed 2 narcotics regularly (oxycodone 15mg and Klonopin 0.5mg). I usually just have to go see my doctor for a quick visit and he will write me my refills. However, I had to uproot and leave and don't feel like wasting the money on driving all the way back. But also don't want to waste the time and money going to a bunch of local doctors whom won't want to write my refills and I waste time and money that way too. I want to find a doctor who has no problem with my doctor back home just calling to confirm I am prescribed that medication and writing me my refills. My doctor will not fax or share medical records with anyone other than me. Any suggestions?
I just moved and need to find a doctor to give me my refill's on my narcotics. How do I find th doc?
Question posted by Bogez on 5 May 2010
Last updated on 25 March 2020
I'm pretty sure that your Dr has to transfer your medical records. I've had to do this due to my regular PCP retiring. Just had to sign a form and they sent them to the new Dr no problem. I'm also on opioids and was on clonazepam. My PM Dr proscribed the opioids and PCP the clonazepam. Since she's gone no one wants to prescribe the clonazepam because of the fact that I'm opioids. Its 2018. And they have sent me to a psychiatrist who also will not prescribe clonazepam. And has tried me on many other meds. None have worked. But they still refuse. I never abused never got from other Drs never from other pharmacies or from the ER. Also ran over due date to be filled by at least two wks. Hate to be the one to tell you this but if you have to take opioids its a death sentence on getting an anxiety med. Good luck if you can find one. Most are making Ppl choose between pain and anxiety. Its not write!!!
Just read your other post about having the prescription bottles. If you are on good terms with your old pharmacist just get ahold of them and most will be happy to help out. Let us know how it worked out.
Hi I am not taking anything but oxycodone for severe back pain, neck pain and sciatica. I can barely walk until I'm a bit warmed up and then only for short bursts, despite PT and waling on my own. I wouldn't dream of taking anything but 1 Scheduled 2 med at a time. Does anyone in the Monterey,CA. area know of someone? My doc is retiring. Please help. Any suggestion is better than nothing.
When you make your appt. bring your medical records with you. Also, bring a print out from the pharmacy where you fill your meds. If you sign a medical release form at the new doctors, your old doctor MUST release those files. In the meantime, bring in your own copies. If you have your meds filled at the same pharmacy all the time, better yet. They do not charge for a printout of your meds. It's not so much finding a PCP, it's finding one that won't farm you out to a pain specialist. Be sure and ask before you make an appt. Good luck to you!
Thanks Chris... The only dilema is that I am already in Georgia so do not have my medical files I would need with me and don't have anyway of getting my printout from the pharmacy. However, I do have my old perscription bottles from my last fill and a receit from the pharmacy. Also, my doctor back home said he would call the new doctor's office and give tell him my medication or something along those lines. So, any other suggestions? lol
I wouldn't mind going to a pain clinic. I just don't have an MRI or anything. I just want some one to refill my medication that I was already getting ya know?
Is your old pharmacy a chain store like CVS, Walgreens, etc? They all share the same info. Maybe you could get a printout that way. Can't really think of much else... a phone call from your doc would be the most help I would think. In the meantime, have your old doc mail you a release form, send it back signed. At least you can have your records for the future. Good luck and let me know how it goes!
I know what you mean. I am one of the fortunate ones who got to keep the same doctor. I've used the same pharmacy for years too. I hope I never have to switch docs! I am much older than he is... so it should work out. Unless he moves!!! Never thought about that... I'll have to ask him next month about any pending future plans... lol.
My Dr. Just turned 80, and at my last visit he told me that the state may make him stop working due to his age. I don't know what to do about finding another Dr.
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