it runs side to side, by my rib cage and right in the middle between my rib cages. I cannotseem to get rid of thiss pain no matter what I take. Tums, acid reducers, gas x, rainditine, you name it. I have now had it for 3 days. I have had it in the past, never figured it out then either, but this time its worse, any suggestions as to what it could be?
I have had this pain in my upper torso, right below my diaphram?
Question posted by Tjenkins1 on 7 April 2011
Last updated on 22 February 2012
It also does not seem to worsen with foods I eat, however, I really dont even want to eat with it hurting...
3 Answers
My experience. I started with this symptom and had to see my doctor. She mixed me a soothing cocktail with Mylanta and other ingredients to start the healing and calming of the pain. That took about 24 hours to go away, then she put me on prolisec. Also considering and suggesting what and how to eat. Keep notes on what makes th pain come back. I was diagnosed with GERD. I am good now. Happy healing.
I was wondering about gallbladder disease too. Gallbladder is usually felt centrally and to the right a little. Sometimes it aches clear through to your back. Usually gallbladder disease can brew for awhile as you form and pass stones until you get one large enogh to block the hepatic duct then you get severe pain. Mine was weird though, I didnt have stones. My gallbladder just stopped functioning. The surgeon who removed it said it must have been diseased for awhile because it was starting to rot. I started having gallbladder-like pain in my 20's and it wasnt until my 40's they took it out. In my 20's they kept looking for stones but never found them. Finally I had a HIDA scan which showed the gallbladder was barely functional.
See your Dr soon!
have u pancreas checked it could be tht if pai is going to u back too
Maybe you have gallbladder disease. Check online for symptoms and then go to the docs.
Otherwise, if it seems like reflux (GERD) or heartburn, stop taking products that turn your acid-producing pumps off in the stomach and start ADDING more acid to your belly. You could just be lacking acid in your stomach, which will create Heartburn. Suggestions: Grapefruit, lemon water, RAW apple cider vinegar (Bragg's) with honey and water.
Related topics
gas-x, tums, indigestion, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, pain, gastric ulcer, gas
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