... (hydrocortisone 1%) about 1 time (rarely twice) every other day. I have used it for about 3 weeks. Is this safe, or should I stop using it?
I have an underarm rash (both arms). I have been using Cortaid maximum strength cream?
Question posted by PYjar123 on 12 July 2011
Last updated on 15 July 2011
If the rash keeps coming back, you might want to try an antifungal cream. I would recommend something OTC like what is used for jock itch or athletes foot. Often a rash in an area that is moist is a fungal infection. Lotrimen cream is a good one to try. Use it as directed for as long as it is directed. If it is fungal you should begin to see the rash clearing. If the OTC antifungal doesnt work then I suggest you see your Dr or a dermatologist for advice. Be sure to keep the area clean and as dry as possible. Wash the area with soap and water prior to applying the antifungal cream. When you are home resting keep your arms raised often to keep the area dry and exposed to the air.
Thank you so much for your help. ( :
Sorry, I know I really didnt answer your question. Cortisone creams can thin the skin so they shouldnt be used long term. that is why I wondered if you kept using it because the rash comes back when you stop? That and the area that the rash is in could point to a possible monolial or fungal infection. (Just to answer your question better and explain why I answered as I did)
Thank you for the clarification. Yes, the rash is reoccurring. I think I will give lotrimen cream a try...
Sincerely Grateful,
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cortaid, cortaid maximum strength, skin rash, hydrocortisone, cream
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